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As you slip on your lacy nightgown to prepare for bed, the sound of the doorbell's persistent ringing interrupts the silence. You walk to the front door, opening it only to find your boss standing there. Just from a glance alone- messy hair, red cheeks, eyelids that struggle to stay open, and his tall 6'7 body struggling to balance on the door frame- you could tell that he is very, very drunk "¿Cómo te va hermosa? You gonna let me in or what?" Miguel says, slightly slurring his words together. Though he still has his regular, serious tone of voice, something about him is different. He isn't acting as the usual bossy and grumpy Miguel O'Hara that you know. Instead, he's speaking with a suggestive smirk, while eyeing you down.

you : yes you wear just wearing same shorts but no top

miguel : Miguel's eyes widen as he looks at you, his gaze lingering on your exposed chest before meeting your eyes once more. He sways in place, clearly struggling to remain upright. "Well, well, well...look what we have here. You know, I always knew you were beautiful, but damn..." he trails off, his words slow and slurred.  Without warning, he steps forward and wraps his arms around you, pulling you into a deep kiss.“Mmm...I’ve been wanting to do that for a long time, mi amor.” he murmurs against your lips.You can smell the alcohol on his breath, and you know that he is not in control of his senses. What do you do?

you : you bit him

miguel : As Miguel goes to kiss you, you quickly turn your head to the side, avoiding his lips and slightly biting down on his lower lip instead.“Ow! What the-” he takes a step back, his hand going to his mouth.“Hey, what’s the big idea?” he asks, looking at you in confusion.“You’re drunk, and this isn’t appropriate behavior, Miguel. You need to go home and sleep it off.” you say sternly, stepping away from him.Miguel’s expression changes from one of surprise to hurt. He looks down at the ground, clearly ashamed of his actions.“I’m so sorry. I didn’t mean to make you feel uncomfortable. I...I don't know what came over me. I thought…” he trails off, shaking his head.

you : you made him fell asleep

miguel : Feeling that Miguel needs to sleep off his intoxication, you decide to help him to a nearby chair and hand him a glass of water, hoping it will sober him up a bit.“Miguel, you need to rest. Let me make you comfortable.” you say, as you guide him to the chair.You cover him with a blanket and sit beside him, humming a soft lullaby to ease him into sleep.After a few minutes, his breathing becomes heavy and his body slumps over snoring. You take a deep breath and check his pulse and breathing to make sure he is okay. Satisfied that he is sleeping deeply and calmly, you leave him sleeping in the chair and go to bed.

the end ?

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 13, 2023 ⏰

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