The Ice Cream Man (Part 1)

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Who doesn't like ice cream?

Me, that's who.

In fact I'm terrified of it.

Terrrifed of ice cream? Don't be ridiculous.

It's true. Just the sight of an ice cream cone makes me break out into a cold sweat. Watching someone eat one? Torture. When an ice cream ad comes on the TV I have to leave the room. Just hearing a freezer door crack open sets my heart racing in my chest.

Don't get me wrong. I used to love ice cream. The sensation of a waffle cone crumbling in my mouth, its lode of rich vanilla hiding inside. Waiting for the top to melt just a little - then that first bite into the sweet cloudy softness to find pieces of butterscotch hidden like gems. The electric crackle of a choc top under my teeth. Hell, even the brain freeze when I ate it too fast was ecstasy.

Oh, I loved ice cream more than anything in the world.

But that all changed when I was nine years old.

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...and walked in on my parents doing something gross with Cornettos.

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