Chapter 37

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I feel like I do this every time, but I am truly sorry for the time it is taking to publish chapters. My life is way too busy for everything, and sleep just gets in the way atm. 

Ao'nung had stood there for several minutes after, holding Neteyam tight; ensuring he didn't run after Lo'ak. Neteyam had struggled a little initially, but eventually just began silently crying into Ao'nung's chest. Ao'nung spent this time fighting his own tears from falling, staying perfectly still, embracing his boyfriend. 

Neteyam hated himself. He had told Lo'ak to talk to Tsireya. He had told Lo'ak she would understand. Neteyam had offered his help. Neteyam had dismissed Lo'ak's worries, and he was wrong. Now Tsireya had might hate Lo'ak, and it was Neteyam's fault. Lo'ak probably hated him, and it all Neteyam's fault. Ao'nung tried to tell him otherwise, but Neteyam couldn't believe it. And to be fair, how could Lo'ak not be mad at him? When Neteyam lifted his chin to look at Ao'nung, he saw glittering blue eyes looking back at him, blurry through his teary vision. 

"How could I do this to him?" Neteyam asked, voice barely audible as he whispered and it broke. 

"You didn't do anything  to him, Neteyam," Ao'nung responded, voice firmer than Neteyam's. 

"I convinced him to talk to her, I offered my help," Neteyam despaired. Ao'nung shook his head.

"You did those things because you're a good person, Neteyam. We both know, as I think Lo'ak does, that he needed to tell Tsireya this sometime anyway. The guilt would have eaten at him. And you offered your help," Ao'nung held Neteyam's cheek with a warm hand. "Because that's the kind of person you are. You were just being a supportive brother, and there's nothing wrong with that," Ao'nung assured him. Neteyam blinked, causing the welling tears to fall from his eyes.

"But I keep thinking, what if that was us?" Neteyam's voice sounded like tears hitting the ground. 

"What if- what do you mean?" Ao'nung was taken aback. 

"What if I had to tell you something, and we ended up... apart?" Ao'nung shook his head, feeling tears form in his own eyes. 

"No, no, no... Neteyam," Ao'nung was now whispering too. He brought his other hand to Neteyam's face and brushed the braids away that had fallen in his face. Neteyam's eyes flicked down. "I would never-"

"You don't know that!" Neteyam's voice cracked drastically, and he took a step back. "What if I kissed someone else? What if I hurt you? What if-" Neteyam tried to continue but Ao'nung cut him off. 

"Would you kiss someone else?" Ao'nung asked him.

"No, but-"

"Would you ever hurt me on purpose? Would you ever do anything that might put me in harms way?" Ao'nung continued.

"No- I don't know! What if it was you or Lo'ak? What if it was you or me?" Lo'ak was shaking now.

"Neteyam! Listen to me!" Ao'nung was getting scared now. "You're thinking of stuff that won't happen, and those situations are unfair. I meant, you would never deliberately hurt me if you could help it. Even if you said something, did something, that ended up hurting me, I would forgive you. Unfortunately, I cannot imagine anything you could do to get rid of me. What's happening with Lo'ak and Tsireya will work out." Ao'nung ran his thumbs under Neteyam's eyes, clearing the tear streaks. 

"But it's not even his fault! Lo'ak is just as upset-" Neteyam got defensive again, when Ao'nung continued.

"Exactly, so if they're meant for each other, Tsireya will realise that. Tsireya is not a bad person, and she has always been an empath. However, if they don't work it out, then perhaps Lo'ak can find his way back to this other boy in the end." 

"But it's not that simple. If she forgives him, what's Lo'ak supposed to say to the other boy? What if she doesn't forgive him, and he's too heartbroken to be with him?" Neteyam asked. 

"This situation sucks, but either way, Lo'ak will have to make a choice," Ao'nung told him. Neteyam whimpered but Ao'nung held his face up. "Life isn't easy, for anyone. But he cannot be with two people. I'm not saying he should or shouldn't be with Tsireya, nor that she should or shouldn't forgive him. I'm only saying that it is out of your control," Ao'nung held Neteyam's face close, resting his forehead atop his braided hair. When Neteyam didn't say anything, Ao'nung decided changing the topic might help Neteyam. 

"You know, I might have to learn how to do this," Ao'nung mused as he played with the beaded braids. Neteyam, to Ao'nung's surprise, huffed a laugh. 

"You don't know how to braid?" He sounded surprised, and then looked back up at Ao'nung. "Ao, how do you do your own hair?" he asked, eyebrows raised. Ao'nung blushed and hid his face in Neteyam's hair. Neteyam stepped back to look at Ao'nung. "How?"

"My mother and Tsireya do it..." Ao'nung mumbled, kicking the sand. Neteyam giggled.

"Who's the princess now?" 

"Shut up," Ao'nung rolled his eyes. 

"I could teach you," Neteyam suggested, twirling one of his own braids around his finger.  Ao'nung shrugged.


"Correction, I will teach you, because I'm not marrying someone who can't braid their own hair." Neteyam put his hands on his hips. Ao'nung, who never failed to notice when Neteyam did this, stepped foward and put his hands around Neteyam's waist. 

"Marrying you say," he said with a low voice. Neteyam immediately became flustered. 

"I mean- I didn't- I just..." Neteyam couldn't even form a sentence. 

"You better teach me then," Ao'nung said, again in such a low voice it rose goosebumps on Neteyam's shoulders. 

"I- I will," Neteyam stammered. Ao'nung kissed him softly and said 

"Thank you, sunshine."

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