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I have never experienced things that regular students had. It was not a choice; rather, it was destined to happen. Because no matter how hard I tried to escape, reality would pull me back. It was painful, but it was the truth. The first chapter of my life was perfect, or so I thought. I grew up loved by my family - I was happy and content with what I had, but suddenly a nightmare came. Darkness has covered the sky that used to be so clear. Those sweet days had ended, and the thing I feared the most eventually happened.

Sophomore year was the year I'd rather not remember. But I still couldn't forget. I can still vividly recall the moment my adviser called me "Stupid" It may seem nothing to most, but that very word destroyed me. From the beginning, I knew how some classmates looked at me. Still, I turned a blind eye to this and tried to make friends with them. But all my efforts were in vain after hearing them say, "You're nothing but an attention seeker and mere distraction." They would tell me I was just a nobody and had nothing special. They would make fun of me. Those sarcastic words struck me to the deepest core; maybe, for them, it was just words that they could easily say. But for me, it was more than that. Bullies would just utter words, not minding how they could hurt someone. And I was also at fault because I let them do that to me. 

My high school life came to an end after three months of my sophomore year. I was just thirteen years old. Every end comes with a new beginning; thus, a new chapter unfolds. I fell into depression and attempted suicide due to my insecurities - the anguish I felt was something others could not understand. For the next four years, I would spend days in hospitals nearly every month. I was diagnosed with Epilepsy and other illnesses and would be injected with diazepam to relax my muscles. It was an exceedingly difficult period of my life.

Being bullied was a harrowing experience. After eight months of locking myself in my room, I went to our school. And I saw them waving their hands at me as if nothing happened. They were smiling happily, talking, and having fun with each other. One of the bullies approached me and asked, "Hi, how are you?". I was at a loss; I didn't know what to answer. Should I say, "I'm miserable because of what you did" But then again, they didn't even know what they did to me in the first place. They had no idea how those words destroyed me. They even questioned why I had to enroll in another program. At that very moment, I realized I had to change. Change and strengthen myself, or else I'd fall apart. Because I almost had nothing in me. I had no confidence or friends to rely on and couldn't see any light. I only have me. So, I had to stand and show those bullies they could no longer hurt me. That I have something special in me, I have something I could be proud of.

Overcoming bullying was never easy. How I survived all of these? I knew the answer - I have GOD beside me. He guided me toward the right path. I enrolled in our school's program, which provided a modular class. I would often bring my modules to the hospital and pass them every Saturday. My eagerness to finish my studies and achieve my goals in life motivated me to work harder than before. I thank GOD for blessing me with wonderful people that helped me achieve what I have now.

I did everything I had to do to survive. I am strong because I had to be strong. Now, no one can ever bring me down. Someone told me I should not look back but instead be the person my thirteen-year-old self would be proud of. I have come a long way. The sorrow and grief that I once felt were all gone. As time passed, I forgave my adviser and classmates. I sometimes wondered what I would have become if they had not done that to me. Well, who knows? Maybe I would not be the Mercy that I am today.

I am now an international author and working on establishing an e-commerce start-up company. And on my way to achieving my dreams. God gave me more than what I deserved. I know there will be greater challenges than what I am facing now, yet despite knowing that, I hold on to my faith in God. I believe I can meet my goals and promise never to give up because the game is over if I do.

Whatever happens, happens for a reason. And now, I no longer think about the pain I've undergone. Rather, I look forward to a brighter and prosperous future.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 13, 2023 ⏰

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