nothen like a cup of coffee

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Lucy pov

Lucy White is my name and I'm 28 years old and I'm officially a veterinarian as of yestday so today is day two.

I walk into my office and get greeted since I'm a doctor now, not like I never did it's just alot nicer now.

I tell Anna I can take patients today she beams up at me and then I hesr someone yell next.


"Hi miss can you help my puppy" the little girl asks me with puppy eye's. While the man that came in with them looks dead tired.

I look at my watch and it's 8:01 I hum as I walk the dog to a room where I can do a check up. Now wishing I had a cup of coffee since I feel tired still.

I tell that Trixie is gonna be okay just no more over plastic toys

I walk Trixie back from the x ray and I get wrapped up in the leash, when I fall into grey who's the little girls good looking father if I say so myself.

Hour pass and I am beat, I can't help but remember certian cuties like a cat we had come in or someone's labador.

Then i think of little rosey and her handsome father grey from today.
I just felt relaxed with them, maybe it was because they were my first patent of the day?

I have no clue but there was somthing special about those too I think as I drift of to sleep after working a long day.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 19 ⏰

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