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I called for Anna as I walked into the large white house. I saw glass on the kitchen floor from the window. Someone broke in. Worry hit me like a truck. "Anna!" I shouted louder this time. I heard steps on the stairs and I ran to see if it was her. It was. She stepped down slowly,her hair was a mess and she was covered in blood. I waited for her to get down the stairs completely so I could grab her and bring her into my embrace. As soon as she was in my arms her legs went out and the only reason she was up was because I was holding her. I brought her over to the couch and laid her head in my lap. I ran my fingers through her hair as I started asking her questions. "Where are they?" "In the basement." Of course they are. "Did they hurt you?" There was a long pause. "Anna, did they hurt you sweet girl?" "They made me go outside." My chest got heavy. Anna hasn't went outside since her father died, that was 10 years ago. Whenever I'd try and get her outside it ended in a panic attack and non stop crying. "Oh birdie." I said in a whisper. "I screamed and kicked. I felt dizzy and then...well I had...umm" I could tell she was getting embarrassed. "And then what Anna? It's okay." I reassured her. She sat up so she was looking at me. "Well I had a bit of an accident." She looked down and started playing with her hands. I understood what she meant. "It's okay birdie. Come on. Let's get you cleaned up okay?" We walked up stairs and to the bathroom. I sat on the edge of the tub and turned it on waiting for it to fill. Anna walked over to me and got on her knees so she could lay her head in my lap and wrap her arms around my legs while we waited. I ran my fingers through her hair again,knowing it calms her. When the tub was filled I helped Anna out of her dress and told her to get in the tub.

Anna is brushing her hair at the vanity as I sit on the bed and watch her. "Are they alive?" I ask thinking i know the answer. "Two of them are." She continues to brush. "How many were there?" She puts down the brush and looks at me through the mirror. "There were four." I started to wipe my hands on my jeans. I know what Anna and her brother did before he died and I thought it was over. Of course this was different considering they broke in but still something about it seemed inhumane. Anna stands up and walks over to me. She stands between my legs and wraps her arms around my neck. "Don't be scared of me." She says in that calm and sweet voice of her's. How could someone ever be scared of such a sweet girl? Well maybe when she's bashing your head in with a hammer, that's...maybe the time to be scared. But me? She would never hurt me. I know this because she's proved to me time and time again that I'm safe with her. I nod and wrap my hands around her waste. We stand there embracing each other as we here thumping noises from the basement and very faint "helps".

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