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DISCLAIMER: This is the first time I have written such a long piece with just smut. I was having a very hard time with it lmao so please go easy on me.


It had been a particularly tiring day at the garage. Shin found himself having to put in extra hours to complete his work, all because Jake had made him late in the morning. Horny fucker, Shin thought as he internally chuckled. Not long after, Jay had drove him to the garage along with multiple boxes of doughnuts. Everyone at Lump Spark was already sick of them, as all the people there have been aware for some time of the type of relationship they had.

"You know, you buying doughnuts makes so much sense now." Shin remarked as he pulled Jake aside in a quiet corner of the garage and Jake snickered at the comment.

"I think we both know I'm not sitting in the car all day eating doughnuts and sipping coffee. I'll pick you up tonight and we can go home" Jake replied with a mischievous smile.

"I will probably have to work overtime to finish everything. Next time, make sure to keep this thing in your pants" Shin replied firmly while one of his hands went straight to Jake's crotch to grab him through his dress pants.

"Then do not provoke me." After sharing a passionate kiss, Jake left Shin without uttering another word.

Later in the day, Jake called Shin to let him know he wouldn't be able to pick him up from work as originally planned, as he had to conduct an overnight investigation.

Shin could not ignore the little pang of disappointment he felt. Over time, they had established a comforting routine where Jake would pick him up for work, and they would often run errands together before heading home. This routine had become a source of familiarity and comfort for Shin, and he had grown very accustomed to their shared moments.

As Shin entered his home, he couldn't help but notice Jake's absence. Sigh, still working then. It was during these moments that Shin realized how much he had come to rely on Jake as his safe zone. Jake's mere presence had a remarkable ability to make Shin feel secure and at ease. He even started to like all the cuddling he was receiving, not that he would ever admit it out loud to Jake.

Feeling the grime and sweat accumulated from a long day at the garage, Shin decided to hop into the shower. He welcomed the opportunity to wash away the oil and dust that clung to his skin. The warm water cascading over him provided a moment of relaxation amidst the day's demands.

Shin indulged in the familiar scent of Jake's shower gel as he lathered his body, already finding comfort in the smell. The aroma wrapped around him, soothing his senses and creating a sense of closeness even when Jake wasn't physically present.

After drying himself off, Shin hurriedly slipped into a pair of comfortable sweats, relishing the feeling of coziness they provided. He then climbed into bed, seeking solace in its softness and warmth.

As Shin drifted off into a peaceful sleep, unaware of the passing time, he suddenly stirred as he heard the front door being opened. His drowsy eyes fluttered open, adjusting to the dimly lit room. And there, in the doorway, stood Jake's familiar figure.

"Go back to sleep, I did not want to wake you up." Jake muttered in a hushed tone before heading to the shower himself.

As the sound of the running water filled the air, Shin allowed himself to relax once again, feeling a sense of tranquility enveloping him. He closed his eyes, the rhythmic sound of the shower providing a soothing background. Thinking of Jake being in the shower, gliding his hands over his body while soaping himself up, made Shin's lower half take a sudden interest.

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