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What is my luck.



Nagi walked through the front door of the dorm and closed it behind him. He sighed softly as it was currently almost 7PM, he had no clue why Reo and Hyo were so full on energy, it made him tired.

"Ah, jeez, what a hassle." He groaned softly as he took his shoes off and began walking to his and Isagis room.

He opened the door and turned the light on expecting Isagi to be up and on his phone or something. He paused when he heard 2 voices groan in annoyance from the light, he looked over at the bed and saw Rin.

Rin sat up annoyed and looked over at Nagi, they held eye contact has tension grew between them.

"What're you doing in here..." Nagi mumbled.

"Isagis sick." Rin said as he stood up and stretched.

"Okay, I can take it from here." Nagi said, basically ushering Rin to get out.

After Rin finally left the room, Nagi had sat down on the bed plugging his charger in the outlet and charging his phone.

"Isagi, you okay?" Nagi asked as he pushed his hair out of his face to check his temperature.

"Mmh..tired." Isagi replied as he slowly sat himself up.

"Go back to sleep, your temperature is okay right now." Nagi said as he pulled his hand back.

"I'm fine...did you guys have fun?" Isagi asked as he rested his head on Nagis shoulder.

"Mm...they sure did." Nagi nodded rethinking back to what they did.

"Hyo said to text him after I see how youre feeling, are you okay to go to school tomorrow?" Nagi asked.

"I'll be fine dont worry." Isagi nodded as he closed his eyes.

"Alright.." Nagi hummed as they sat in comfortable silence for a moment.

"Whatd you guys do?" Isagi asked.

"Mmm...well we walked around for a little bit, before Hyo got hungry, so we walked to a cafe. Then Reo wanted to go to this park, so we went there. After that, they dragged me to the lake and we sat by it, then I came back." Nagi explained.

Isagi nodded his head along with him.

"Sounds like fun." Isagi chuckled a little bit.

"They're so full of energy.." Nagi groaned softly.

"Sounds about right." Isagi nodded with a small smile.

Nagi hummed as he grabbed his phone to text Hyo. While Isagi just watched him do that.

"Have you eaten?" Nagi asked.

"Not hungry.." Isagi said.

"You have to eat something..." Nagi said as he placed his phone down.

"I'll just have something small then.." Isagi nodded.

"Alright..I'll be back." Nagi said as he stood up ruffling Isagis hair.

Isagi nodded as he laid back down and Nagi exited the room, he went to the kitchen where Rin was, cooking something. Nagi mumbled something under his breath and walked towards the cupboards, Rin know noticing his presence.

No words were said between each other as Nagi grabbed things to put together for Isagi, making sure it wouldnt be too much for him.

"Do you like Isagi?" Rin randomly asked.

Nagi paused for a moment and looked at Rin.

"Why?" Nagi responded.

"Curious." Rin hummed and looked back at Nagi.

"Mm...thats for me to know." Nagi said as he placed everything away that he used.

"Do you like him?" Nagi asked as he grabbed Isagis food.

"Maybe." Rin said.

They both held eye contact again, this time practically glaring at each other, before Nagi walked away, heading back to his and Isagis room. He turned on the lights so Isagi wouldnt drop any food, he closed the door behind him.

"Here." Nagi said as held out the bowl for him.

Isagi thanked him as he sat up, meanwhile Nagi laid down, his head resting on Isagis lap.

"Would you like some?" Isagi asked, Nagi shook his head.

"I'm good thanks." Nagi nodded.

They sat in comfortable silence as Isagi ate slowly, before they both got jumpscared by the room door opening so suddenly.

"Isagi!!" Hyo whined and looked at the position him and Nagi were in.

"Reo...I think they're gay." Hyo mumbled.

Reo popped his head into the room and shrugged.

"Cool." Reo said.

"We..arent dating." Isagi mumbled, feeling his face heat up a little bit.

"Not yet clearly." Hyo shrugged and walked over to him and felt his forehead.

"Are you going to school tomorrow?" Hyo asked as he and Reo sat down on the bed.

"Mhm." Isagi nodded.

"You should take tomorrow off atleast, you need to get proper rest." Reo nodded.

"Mm." Nagi hummed in agreement.

"I'll be fine dont worry." Isagi said as the others just stared at him.

"Right..." Hyo sighed and looked at Reo who just shrugged.


A/n: sorry, I'll try and get myself organized and start posting again properly 😭😭.

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