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Right, so this was inspired by the Colourless King in the anime K. This was speciafically inspired when Shiro described the Colourless King as being 'corruped but still a King'. Anyways, there're still many ways to interprete it 


Slowly, slowly, I get dragged deeper and deeper

Down the road that seems to be getting steeper and steeper

I don’t know where I’m going, just following what instinct tells me to do

I can’t tell what lies ahead, I only know my actions will be something I will rue


I can only move forward, instinct surging me on

Soon, my vision’s clouded, I can’t tell right from wrong

I just keep moving forward, on and on

Further and further into the darkness, awaiting the dawn


But the dawn doesn’t come and I remain in the night

I don’t see anything but I feel a power inside me taking flight

And when the darkness is finally lifted, I can feel only spite,

greed, ambition and cruelty clouding my sight


Every stab with the knife stains my hands a crimson red

Every howl of pain made me smile as the gashes bled

Every cry of anguish was accompanied with a sickening wound to the head

Every limp body that dropped dead before me made me grin as my sanity fled


I am now walking down a road, a road with no end except for death

Because no matter how high up the ladder I climb, there’s nothing of me left

Because I am now walking down a path to destruction

But I don’t notice it, because I’m already enshrouded in corruption.


Anyways, hope you enjoyed it :)


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