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"Fuck this" I mumble under my breath as I aim for the exit. Coming to this party was a mistake to begin with and yet my most beautiful and perfect but stupid boyfriend, Matt, had convinced me otherwise.

I am such a dumb bitch.

Physically shaking my head can't clear the embarrassment of the decision. I knew better than to follow the plans of this horny boy...yet I still got up, put on this black body-con type dress and came. To be fair, Matt was respectfully waiting so patiently for me to give 100% of myself to him. God I wanted to. I was just scared. He always enjoyed the tempting game though.

I'm newly 19 and probably the only virgin at Lunacrest University. And no ladies and gentleman, it's not because I have a set of two of the most celibate preaching parents. No. But because honestly, I was scared as hell. I couldn't even use it as a flex because I was scared to talk about it. Let's just say hearing my friend's horror stories was enough.
After my friend Kara lost hers at sophomore homecoming to douchebag Johnny Kringle, she came back to my place crying saying it wasn't at all how she thought. We had to explain to her mom that the blood on the dress was from a random start of her period.

So many more of those stories to go around that it was enough to terrify the shit outta me through high school.

But it didn't mean I wasn't tempted.

"Aubs please!" Matt is grabbing my wrist pulling me so I twist into his huge arms. His hands clasp together behind my waist trapping me where I stand sending an electric jolt between my legs. "It's just Avery, she's a bitch. Why do you let her bother you so much, princess?" He brushes a curl out of my eye.

He's referring to low blow ho, Avery Hallsty. Crowned slut of LCU sorority council. She's been after Matt for years and just pissed, he for whatever reason stayed with me, the Virgin Mary, since the 8th grade.

"Please Aub's? Stay here with me. Let's get tipsy and laugh. Grind that ass into me to the music." I giggle at that. His hand reaches up to cup my chin. "Just like high school babe. It's only you and me."

At that point, the first two drinks pummel into me and all I can see are this boys pretty golden eyes begging for his girl to let go and have fun.

I let the courage of drinks one and two speak for me. "You just want to get me more drunk and naked" I tease.

His eyes darken and a smile creeps up the side of his mouth. He's pulling me so close to him that I can feel the thick hard of him under his pants. My cheeks burn but I can't break  "That's just the start of the things I want to do to you, Aubrey."

He kisses me hard then drags me out into the thick of the party and the rest is a blur.


I can't remember what it is that has me hysterically laughing as I fall into Matt but it's euphoric. The last hour has me feeling so fucking free and happy. Drinks three through five are easy and my movements become as well.

"Come with me" Matt's saying pulling me behind him up the stairs. "You're so fucking beautiful Aub's. I love watching all the guys down there watch you. Like they want lick every drop of sweat dripping down your back. But you're mine. And I know you're not ready yet..."


"It's okay baby, I'll never rush you."


"Im sorry, I just"

"Matt!" I place my hand on both sides of his chest. "I..I want it. I m ready and I want it. Now" 

Virgin CherriesWhere stories live. Discover now