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The Olympians fought Typhon, the father of all monsters. They were tired, but they continued to fight for their home.

The Greek children of Olympus defended the home of their parents from the onslaught of monsters. They were brave, but they were out numbered and out powered.

They had been pushed back to the bottom of the Empire State building, on their last legs. They were tired from fighting for two days straight with little sleep.

They all stood at the entrance to Olympus waiting to fight until their last breathes, the Titan army and the three Titans Kronos, Hyperion, and Prometheus stood at the front of their legion of monsters.

"You have fought until the end demigods. Stand down now and you will be saved from our wrath. You will all be rewarded for this and will be treated as kings and queens. So who is going to join us? You have ten seconds to decide," Kronos explained to the tired demigods.

After ten seconds was up and not a single demigod had moved, Kronos ordered the charge.

The legion of monsters charged forward, but when they were within ten feet of the wary demigods they were blown back a dozen feet.

Standing in front of what was left of the Greek demigods stood a figure that was covered in a dark cloak, a hood covered his face. From the height of the figure, he was about maybe sixteen.

He had a sword that was made of some kind of red metal that rested on his back.

His back was facing the demigods, but the Titans and their army had a full view of his face. Kronos paled and tried backing away with Hyperion and Prometheus right next to him.

"You can't be here. This does not concern you Demon," Kronos sputtered.

Gasps and shrieks of fear were heard throughout both sides of the war.

They had all heard of the legends of the notorious monster Demon. He was famous for killing monsters and deitys that were on his shit list. Mortals, immortals, it didn't matter. He killed them all, whether they were good or bad.

If anyone needed someone killed and they had the money, they could hire him for a very heafty price.

"This does concern me, son of Gaea," the boy growled.

All three Titans gained confused looks. Did he hate their mother? If so why?

"What has our mother got to do with this?," Hyperion asked.

"That bitch killed my mother and now she is going to pay. I'm going to let your stupid half brothers raise her back and then I'm going to summon my army's from the pit and I will make her fade!"

It took a few seconds, but everything clicked inside their brains. Well the Titans brains anyway.

"Impossible. Mother killed you and your mother sixteen years ago."

"No she did not. My father saved me before I shared the same fate as my mother."

The Titans tried to flash away, but something stopped them from doing it.

"You can't flash away Kronos. My power has you trapped with me," the figure said as he ripped the cloak off of himself and unsheathed his sword.

The blade itself was scary. "Now you shall enjoy some of my father's hospitality."

He charged forward and killed Hyperion with a quick swipe of his blade. He turned and covered Prometheus with hellfire, making the Titan be burned alive.

Hellfire was red and black flames that burned the person's soul, making it as if they never existed before. If they were an immortal then it would make them stay in Tartarus for a century longer than usual.

Only Tartarus and his children had the power to control it. Meaning that this boy was the most powerful demigod or demiprimordial ever. Of course there has only ever been a few demiprimordials to exist.

Kronos tried to use the other Titans as a distraction, but the boy wasn't going let him get away so easily.

Another thing about hellfire is that the user can use it to torture someone for a while before actually killing them. As Kronos body and soul were being burned by hellfire, the Titan army bowed before their master.

When the Titan became nothing more than ashes, the boy whistled. A chariot that was being pulled by two black dragons came out of a shadow that was made by a lastrygonian giant.

He jumped into the chariot and turned back to the stunned group of demigods.

"I am Perseus, son of Tartarus and champion of the Arena. I am here to help. For now though you must all make your way into the throne room of Olympus. I will be arriving with the Olympians. Now hurry!"

He watched them all immediately help the wounded with their injuries and start to bring the dead with them.

Next he turned back to the army of monsters. "Return to the pit and await orders from either me or my father."

Percy looked to the sky and saw Typhon was making his way towards Olympus. He pulled out a whip and lashed out into the air, making a loud cracking noise that caused the two dragons to start flying in the direction of the storm.

The Olympians were on the verge of giving up, but when Typhon saw his half brother flying towards him on his chariot, the storm giant instantly stopped.

The Olympians started to attack again, but they were all held back from some unseen force.

"Enough of this!"

All heads turned to one standing in the chariot. Even Typhon looked at him.

Percy looked at his half brother with sadness. Typhon may be the son of Gaea, but he was also the son of Tartarus, making him Percy's brother.

"I know your mother has abandoned you and that you believed the Titans wouldn't treat you as an outcast. This is a lie. The Titan army has been defeated. Please brother, join me and our father against Gaea and her giant children. Together we can defeat her. I promise you that you will not be treated as an outcast anymore. You will be treated with respect and honor. I am only offering you this because you are of the same blood as me. If we did not share the same father then I would have already called upon the army's of Tartarus to attack you. So what do you say?"

Typhon looked at his brother with those big red eyes that could even drive immortals into insanity at the sight of them.

The storm giant nodded his head and flashed down to Tartarus, where his father was awaiting to greet his son with open arms.

"Problem one solved. Problem two is going to be a hell of a lot worse," Percy mumbled to himself as he turned to meet the shocked faces of the Olympians.

"We must go to Olympus so you can reward your children, but then we have some matters to discuss," he said before he cracked the whip again, causing the dragons to fly to the direction of Olympus.


I have decided to make this because I haven't read a story where Percy is the son of Tartarus. If you know of a story like this then please let me know. Thank you all.

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