Chapter one:The stranger

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Narrator:" Jane Blonde parentless 16 year old girl quickly walked along the pavement as she saw a theif-looking man following her. She was heading home and passed though an alleyway when the man had caught up to her and grabbed her."

Jane Blonde [frightened]:"Leave me alone!"

Strange Man:"Calm down I just want to talk to you."

Jane Blonde [calm]:"Okay."

Strange Man:"My name is Nigel Khan otherwise known as Mr.N but you can call me agent N

Jane Blonde [rudely]:" And why are you telling me all of this?"

Agent N:"Because I have been watching you."

Jane Blonde [ still rude]:"So......your a stalker.

Agent N:"Oh hell no!I am the leader of a company of spys and agents who help everyone in countries worlwide.I know it's a lot to swallow so I'll give you some time.

Jane Blonde [home]:What am I going to do I love my home.But it'll give me a chance to avenge my parents, I'll do it!"

Agent N:"So Jane what do you say, will you join the agency?"

Jane Blonde:"Yes that's what I say"

Ajent N:"I knew you would have it's who you are you would've wanted to avenge your parents."

Ajent N [continued]:"Now that you have made your decision it's time for your special iniciacion,it's time for the five tests

Author:" Hope you guys liked chapter one if you did like and comment and I will update soon."

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