look, dress, and character info

14 1 0

name: ash/Satoshi

quirk: hard explosion


sexuality: lesbian's

crush: hitoe

hair color: orange 

eye color: red 

way she dress: like her dad ( bakugo )

parents: bakugo and ejiro


Name: Zella/ akato

quirk: ghostly moon 

crush: melto

age: 16

sexuality: lesbian's

hair color: ash burn purple

eye color: ash burn blue

adopted parents: bakugo and ejiro 

way she dress: she wears a cute bunny backpack with pink and baggie dress 


Name: hitoe 

age: 15

quirk: zero gravity 

parents: Ochako and Midoriya

hair color: forest green

eye color: brown

sexuality: lesbian's

crush: Satoshi

way she dress: kawaii 


Name: Ramye

age:  16

parents: Shoto and momomo

Quirk: ice flame creating 

sexuality:  gay

hair color: grey and red

eye color: grey and blue

crush: ameto 

way he dress: cute
________________________________________________________________________________Name: ameto

age: 16

hair color: dark pink

eye color: yellow

parents: mina and Tokoyami

crush: ramye

quirk: shadow acid 

sexuality: gay

way he dress: badass

________________________________________________________________________________Name: shuta

hair color: dirty blond

eye color: teal.


parents: hawks and dabi

quirk: flaming wings

crush: malte

sexuality: lesbian

way she dress: like her papa dabi.


Name: melto


quirk: solid sun

parents: ???

hair color: yellow and orange

eye color: same as her hair

Sexuality: lesbian

way she dress: a tank top and pants


Name: malte


quirk: shadow light

parents: ????

hair color: black

eye color: white

sexuality: lesbian

way she dress: the opposite way of her sister melto

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