"Wait is that?" -dd pt 1

627 11 15

"Yeah Mom I got the money you sent" "I'm gonna be okay I'll be with Isla the entire time.. okay love you too bye."

"So what did she send?" Isla excitedly says. "150," I tell her walking to my vanity to roll up,
"That's it?" "Tf you mean that's it, how much did your mom send you again? I say laughing

"Whatever I'm so excited to see my man" "Your man that doesn't know you exist?" I ask her

"Anyway I gotta get ready I'll be back at 9 love you?" "Okay love you too lock the door on your way out" I yell after her.

Time skip (time is 7:00 pm)

I check the time and stretch before getting out of bed (yk that one stretch where your entire body does that shake, that's what I'm talking about)

Shit I gotta get up, I grab my towel and get in the shower

(Lil time skip cuz I don't feel like typing all that time 8:06 pm)

I brush my teeth and then go to my room (as one does)

*ring ring*

"Wsp?" "GIRL WTF AM I GONNA WEAR??" She screams into the phone, "Girl you should be been had that shit picked out" I tell her while I get dressed

"Wsp?" "GIRL WTF AM I GONNA WEAR??" She screams into the phone, "Girl you should be been had that shit picked out" I tell her while I get dressed

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Imagine sum else if you want idc

"You ain't no help Imma just wear a dress"
*click* she just hang up on me? That's crazyy

"Anyway," I say out loud while walking to my vanity to smoke the blunt I just lit (don't do drugs kids) "Imma respect my peace and just do my makeup" "I need to stop talking to myself I just know I look crazy."

Time skip to 8:53 pm (🧜‍♀️)

I hear a knock at my door and see Isla wearing

"Girl you look like sb auntie actually not even that you look like sb gma" I tell her walking to my closet to get her a better fit

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"Girl you look like sb auntie actually not even that you look like sb gma" I tell her walking to my closet to get her a better fit.

"Fuck off"

Time skip to 9:40 pm (mf need to leave the concert starts at ten)

I lay her an outfit out as she walks in my room

"Yeah no thank you I'll choose it"

"You sure?" I ask, "obvi" she rolls her eyes

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"You sure?" I ask, "obvi" she rolls her eyes

I side eye her and walk away to put my shoes on so we can leave

"Cmon" I yell grabbing my keys, I hear her drop something and run down the stair with her hands in her pockets (dumb bitch that ain't safe how you gonna catch yourself if I push y- if you fall I mean)

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