Welcome To Seoul

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Author's Pov:

Since that day, Y/n was very excited for going to another country leaving her hometown country. She searched through various websites for renting a room or apartment there for her stays. She got one nice and small apartment on rent near her university, and that too on an affordable price.

Then more days went by and the day she'll fly away, came. It was the day she'll have to leave her family and go to another country. It was indeed sad for her but she kept it to herself and had a happy face on, as she didn't wanted to have a bad impression on her very first day of flight.

Time skip.

Y/N's Pov: Today, I was going to leave my parents

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Y/N's Pov:
Today, I was going to leave my parents. It would be a tough time for me but I kept it cool to myself.
We all went to the airport to bid me byes. We arrived at the airport . It was soon the time for my boarding. I bid good bye to my family with a happy face. Dad was also sad but didn't showed it. Mom tried not to cry but when I hugged her for the last time. She couldn't control and broke down in tears. Seeing her my tears streamed down my cheeks too.
" Mamma, please don't cry. Don't you want to send away your daughter with a smile or you want her to go away being sad, huh?" I asked trying to divert her mind. "Yes mom!, please stop crying. Let your daughter go away being happy. Don't spoil hers and your mood too." My brother said by my side.

My mother stopped seting a bit and with a smile she finally let me go being happy. I checked in my flight and went to my seat. I sat on my sat. Looking outside the window. "Gonna miss you all". I said letting out a sigh.

Time skip.
@ South korea Airport

My plane landed. I left the airport. I took a cab and directly went to the location of my apartment. Today was the first time i saw South korea from so close. I only heard about it or saw it on screens or news. It in deed was a beautiful country.
The cab driver kept speaking in his language which was absolutely out of my grasp.
"Uhh...uncle, i can't understand what ever you're saying. I came from India and i don't know your language much better". I said in a polite manner to which that Uncle chuckled and said.
" Its all right my dear, i got it by the way you just look like and the way you kept quite all the time! Btw welcome to Seoul".

The people here are also so good and polite. They seem to be good and helping. Soon i reached my destination. I paid the cab and thanked the uncle.

"Ghamsabnida, ajhussi!"

I said, because its only thing i knew in korean after hello, bye, in their language. To which the uncle grin cheekily and replied me back welcome. And drove away. I went inside the building and met the receptionist. She looked almost in her 50's. She welcomed me with a soft smile, which I of course gave back to her. "You must be Y/n from India, right?" She asked to confirm.
"Yes, ajhuma. I am Y/n from India. The one who asked you for a room to rent here." I replied back.

"Okay follow me, let me show you your room". I nodded and followed her up stairs. She showed me the room and it was pretty good and cozy. I saw there were two rooms. I shrugged it off.
"So this is your apartment.
And here are the extra keys to this apartment. And there are some rules I want you to follow here.


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No.1 No smoking and drinking in the corridor.
No.2 No bringing others here.
No.3 No partying here.
No.4 No loud noises. Especially after 8 o'clock in evening.
No.5 Paying rents on time.
Is that clear my dear?" She said in a soft yet demanding tone. I nodded to all with a smile. With that she left the room giving me the keys.
I sighed heavily being tired and entered a room randomly. As soon as I entered the room. The room was already well furnished and the theme was all dark and black. The lights were off. The curtains were closed making the room even more dark. I thought how was this room so well furnished and clean as if someone stays here too. I shrugged it off later and decided to choose this room for myself.
I unpacked my belongings. And decided to take a refresher bath.

Time skip

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Time skip.
I came out of the bathroom. Now I changed myself into something comfy yet good looking and thought to visit the university. To pregain all the information and my schedule for tomorrow. I went to the university and it was beyond amazing. It was so beautiful from outside and so mesmerizing from inside. I did all the all work their. It was now 8.00 at night. I was late as I decided to go mote further to just roam around after I finished my job at the university. Now I decided to go back to my apartment. I walked till there as the university was just 10 minutes away from my apartment.

I reached my apartment and got inside

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I reached my apartment and got inside. But to my surprise, the scene in front of me made me scream me on top of my lungs.

So what is that scene? Any guess?
So let's see this in the next part.

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Let's see what happens next!
Stay tuned for part 4 and the rest!
Till then Bye~


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