Figuring out your spirit animal

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What you need: one piece of paper, a pencil/pen, and to be able to dream

Get the piece of paper and pencil/pen and write down these words
"God and Goddess
Let me see
The spirit animal
Inside of me"
After you write this (remember to write on different columns like I did), place this on top of you before you sleep. If done correctly, you should see a dream that has your spirit animal in it. Sometimes you won't even realize it was there, but if that happens, do it again. If it doesn't work, don't fret, just do it again. However, each time you do it, make sure to use a different piece of paper!
If you move around while you sleep, don't worry. It might fall off, but that's okay.
Ohm and why not leave a comment and say what you got? :) I'm curious.

Oh, p.s., I got a goat :)

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