Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

mother effing bulldogs

3:12 pm

so i got to the locker room early cause i wanted to shower before practice and jennie was laying on one of the benches with her head in rosie's lap?????????? what is going on
like there was tension in that room am i losing it

oh you sweet summer child

Do we have to do this again?

sweet precious new member of the varsity team: get used to it

we were listening to the new boygenius album what is the problem????

Oh jesus christ.


and why were YOU listening to the sad lesbian music???? 🤨🤨🤨🤨

music doesn't have a sexuality???? also jen was sleepy. what is the issue

THIS is what i have to get used to???????

what is the problem??




It wasn't like the entirety of Montclair High School rejected Roseanne Park when she moved from wherever-the-fuck rich town in the mountains, but... okay, maybe it was a little like that. Jennie wasn't sure why, she didn't see how Rosie was any different from Jisoo Kim, but then again, she tried to stay away from everyone as much as possible, so she didn't really know much about anybody. That was how she liked it.

She liked walking to school alone, hunched in on herself as the wind got colder with every passing day. She liked roaming the halls alone, with only the occasional eye falling astray to watch her as she stomped along the dirty tiles of Montclair High. Most of those stray eyes were jocks staring at her ass in yesterday's pants, anyway, which is fucking gross, so she tunes all of it out.

She might have her earbuds in at all times, but that doesn't mean that she doesn't notice footsteps behind her that October. Being completely baked by fourth period does not mean that she doesn't notice the second shadow following her to the bathroom. She does think it's a gigantic lizard-beast coming to challenge her to a duel, but then she gets inside the bathroom and sees a very much not scaly, not green girl standing behind her.

A not-lizard girl with dark hair, deep, searching eyes, and a pink skirt on. A girl who looks like she is coming to the realization that she is very much caught.

She whirls around to face this new girl, common sense clouded by the weed Jennie is quick to anger, and she considers just straight punching her, but before she can even ask What the fuck do you want –

"I'm Rosie. And you're Jennie Kim. And I'm Rosie. Park. Well, technically I'm Roseanne Park, but everyone calls me Rosie." The girl frowns. "Well. I like to be called Rosie."

Too high and confused to make any sense of her words, but soothed enough to not be inclined to hit this Rosie anymore, Jennie crosses her arms over her chest. "And?"

"And... I don't have any friends here, and, no offense, but you don't really seem to have any friends, either... So I guess I thought maybe we should form an alliance?"

She laughs. It's rude, but she's too high to do the polite thing and resist straight up laughing at this new girl who's just asked Jennie to be her friend.

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