A Pretty (un) Sweet Club

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Kevin opened his eyes to shrill calls coming from next to him. He reluctantly released his arm from the blanket and into the cold air to drop it onto his alarm clock with all force. He felt it flatten under his hand.

Crap, he thought. Third one this month.

He couldn't lift weights for shit, yet he managed to crush every single alarm clock he owned.

My job doesn't pay enough for this...

My job.

Crud, it's a work day.

Kevin slowly sat up, groaning the whole way. He pulled off his blanket and got out of bed, where he stretched for a good few seconds before heading to the kitchen to eat something. He just grabbed a bagel, split it in half (if you could even call it half, most of one piece was still attached to the other), and stuck it in the toaster, pushing down on the tab (lever? idk what you call it) to start heating.

(I just Googled it, the lever thing is just called a handle lolol)

While the bagel was being made, Kevin started on his coffee. Right when he had everything ready in the coffee maker, he heard his bagel pop up. He jumped an inch or two off the ground in surprise, but quickly shook it off as he grabbed a plate and halfheartedly spread some cream cheese on it.

He pushed himself on top of the kitchen counter, eating his depressing bagel, until his coffee maker beeped loudly, screeching at him that his coffee was finished. Kevin practically fell off of the counter, dropping his plate, which shattered on the ground, the final bite of his bagel thrown down, never to be recovered. How sad.

After the tragic loss of his bagel, Kevin proceeded to clean up the broken glass. Once he got back to his coffee, he noticed that it had started to cool down, but it was still warm, so it was fine. He ripped open and poured in a concerning amount of sugar, and some creamer. He liked things sweet. Why else would he work at a candy store? (not like he enjoyed it, duh 💀💀)

Kevin downed the coffee quickly, and went back into his room to get dressed. He didn't have to think much about what to wear, since his job had a uniform. After combing his hair and brushing his teeth, he was ready to go. Physically.

The drive from his apartment to the Candy Club wasn't too long, since the shop was located right next to his neighborhood.

He worked alone at the moment. He hadn't had a coworker in years, and he wasn't surprised that no one wanted to work here. This place was miserable. 

Kevin unlocked the shop. No customers usually came until several hours into his shift, so he tried to pass the time by restocking shelves, which only took about thirty minutes. He groaned, slouching behind the desk. This was going to be a long day, just like all the others.

Eventually, a few customers started filing in. Kevin sighed in relief, he finally had something to do. He put on a fake smile and started helping people around. There didn't seem to be any Karens today, thank God.


A few hours passed, and Kevin was reaching the end of his shift. The store was empty except for him. He had earbuds in, listening to some Lady Gaga from his phone (he would never admit he was a fan). It was a good thing he had Spotify Premium, the service in the Candy Club was ass.

Suddenly, a customer walked in alone. Kevin took out his earbuds and called out, "Good evening! Is there anything I can help you with?"

The customer was shorter than Kevin, with thick black hair. His clothes made him look like he just came out of Hot Topic, but it looked kind of nice. When he ran up to Kevin, smiling, he noticed he had fake vampire fangs.

"Yes! I was wondering if you had any, um..." he scratched the back of his head. "Any gummy sharks?"

Kevin chuckled to himself. So he was that kind of person.

"Yeah, we do. Right over here." Kevin gestured to one of the clear plastic containers with a pair of tongs resting in it.

The customer smiled again. "Ohmygosh, thank you!!" He went over and grabbed a bag, and started to fill it with sharks.

As he was finishing paying for the bag, Kevin tilted his head. "What brings you here so late?"

The customer perked up. "Oh! Nothing specific, I guess. I just got really hungry and I didn't want to wait until I got back to my apartment to eat, haha. And restaurants, are, uh... expensive, to say the least."

Kevin nodded his head in understanding. "Yeah, I get that." He handed the bag back to the customer. "Anyways, here you go. Have a good night!"

He smiled. "Thank you, you too!"

As the customer was exiting the store, Kevin's eyes widened.

"Wait, what's your--" He broke off. He was already gone.

Kevin stared at the door, letting out a loud sigh. He never got the guy's name.


835 words

YIPPIE I FINALLY GOT AROUND TO WRITING THIS!!1! Sorry it's so short, I'm pretty braindead at the moment ;-;


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⏰ Last updated: Apr 20 ⏰

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