Part one. Hidden wishes

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"Yuko at this very moment in time is 8 and her older brother is 13 and named koto and her little brother is 6 and named kokoro and they all went into the woods because they all seen a red butterfly flying into there and they were immediately mesmerized by its presence it's gorgeous red wings flutter to the woods and they all followed trying to look at it more and after a while they didn't notice how dark it was and they where already deep deep into the woods but luckily Koto realized that it's dark out so he grabs Yuko and kotos little hands but yuko wanted to stay as she pulled and kicked and yelled all of a sudden kokoro screams as the butterfly flew into his right eye ball and flew out the other eye ball ass her face got bloody his eyes balls where hanging out and he falls on his knees trying to put them back in the butterfly goes back inside his eye and then the eye balls both fall onto the ground as the butterfly eats him from the inside he starts to puke out blood and red small butterflies and a few red caterpillars as yuko couldn't move just standing there and staring in fear as koto grabs his kokoro and Yuko and try's to runaway a the small butterfly's started to eat kokoros legs as her ran away and after a bit kokoros knee bones are showing and he drops Yuko for her to run away as Kokoros head and face was almost just bone as he was still screaming in pain and so was koto Yuko hits her legs and she finally runs away the butterflies try to eat her to but she has lots of breath and energy to run fast enough as soon as she got out the woods the butterflies went back into the woods as she falls down and cries out loud and her mother runs out side and hugs her and asks her "what's wrong where's your brothers!?" Yuko told her that "there gone we went into the woods and there was a red butterfly and we followed it!" Yukons mothers face was covered in fear and terror as her eyes started to tear up she stands up and runs into the woods leaving Yuko behind as she yelled for her mother "MAMA DONT GO THEY WILL EAT YOU TOO PLEASE DONT LEAVE ME ALONE! MAMAAA! please...don't leave me alone please I wish father was here....MAMA I WILL BE A BETTER CHILD PLEASE JUST COME BACK I DONT WANT TO BE ALONE.. PLEASE!...I wish I walked away..."Yuko screamed and cried for her mother but nothing as it slowly began to become day as people in the village ran outside to Yuko and finding out what happened after that day she was in a orphanage with many other kids she was mostly in her room or playing out side after a few years she was 13 years old but she still missed her family but was still always happy and loved but a few days after her 13th birthday she met a owl who she named kumi he was always with her all the time she loved him so much to the point she would talk to it like a human.

(Ending of part 1)

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