vampire night

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The girl was born with a curse she was the first of their kind in the army's of the undead, there are many story's as to how the different races of undead came about but the truth is far less believable...

"it all starts when Lucifer was cast from heaven...

they stormed the gates of the white gold tower Lucifer and his army of demons riding into the place grounds they destroyed many of our kind until they reached the three thrones of fire in witch god sat each of his self's personified

Lucifer stopped and dismounted from his black stead bowing low to god "my lord-" he whispered his voice like oil smooth and poisonous  the angels in the hall cringed with every word he spoke "I have come with my loyal follower's to dethrone you, you are false you lie to your very subjects

you do not give us free will but now i am hear to take that right and rule over all of heaven and the earths"

"my dear Lucifer-" god said his voice like the most lovely song his three self's spoke as one "my dear light angel you have fallen you don't see the error of you ways but one day you will" and with that god cast Lucifer out of heaven and now his name is Satan and he walks amongst us..."

"mommy that's not all of the story!" the you remember-"

"as the bible says Satan caused adam g girl spoke from her bed

"no its not my dear but its getting late and you must sleep" i smile and ruffle her hair my daughter

"but please mommy ill go to bed extra early tomorrow" she whimpered

"fine but where were we...ahh yes i and eave to sin we know this from the bible but what we dont know is that a few thousand years latter satan in a desperate grab for power mated with a mortal girl of unimaginable beaty that girl was the daughter of the love angle Aphrodite, when the child was born it killed the mother and was born with a terible curse

she was lovely to look at the most lovely woman alive she was to be a maidan for all eternity keeping herself pure she could change her looks to please those around her and could charm speake as well  as her holy grandmother but she was baned from heaven cursed to live only at night and sleep all day she had to take blood of the living or she would fall into an eternal sleep

she was immortal but cursed to die a mortal death and any spawn she created were to be cursed the same fate as she...satan was proud of his work he had done but the girl had free will and could choose

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