Chapter 1- The Arrival

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It was 7 pm and after over 3 days of driving and stopping to rest, Mabel and Elowynn had made it to Los Angeles, California. 

Mabel's POV:

My legs were cramping and I hadn't gotten a full nights rest in days. Elowynn has been playing that band she never shuts up about, 5 Seconds of Summer's,  music on repeat the entire trip and didn't fail to scream every single lyric no matter how late it was. They don't suck but I can assure you I could go forever without listening to them again after that. 

We took turns driving but I had done the most of it simply because I was the better driver and I am exhausted.

"Thank God we are finally here, I don't want to get into a car ever again," I said getting out of the car and stretching. 

"Oh come on it was not THAT bad May," Elowynn said. "We had great music and snacks to get us through it plus now we're in the amazing place."

She moves her hand around showing that she is referring to the beautiful city they had just arrived in.

I sighed and said "The first part is debatable, but yeah you're right El lets hurry up and get inside though I can't wait to look around our place."

Elowynn and I had both pitched in and bought a three bedroom house for the both of us to live in. It is a decent size and has a beautiful backyard. There's a pool and patio which will be great for once we both make new friends and want to host small gatherings or parties.

"Oh my goodness yes let's go I can't wait to come up with ideas for how I am going to decorate my room," Elowynn said.

We grabbed the few things we brought along with us outside of what the movers were bringing and headed to the front door. The outside of the house from what I could see so far looked even better than in the pictures which gave me a sense of relief. I was very nervous to make a purchase without seeing the house myself in person first, but Elowynn always knows how to convince me of things.

I nervously put the key in the door and started to slowly unlock and open it. I was really hoping the inside would be just as good as the outside. As I walked in I was hit with another wave of relief seeing so far that at least the kitchen and living room area were just like they should be.

Elowynn ran past me throwing her bags down and squealing.

"Oh my gosh this is amazing," She yelled. "It's so spacious and I can already picture everything I am going to do in here" 

I gave her a look that clearly meant hey what about my part in this.

"I mean um everything that WE are going to do of course" She said correcting herself causing me to give her disbelieving smile and nod, but she wouldn't know the difference in that and regular ones. 

We luckily had both wanted completely different rooms based on pictures when deciding to get the house, so we would not have to argue about that. Elowynn got the room that is considered the "Master" but my room is only slightly smaller and has it's own bathroom just like hers so I am perfectly fine with it. It has a beautiful big window that allows a lot of natural light in it and was next to the room I planned on making my small art studio. Elowynn really only managed to win me over about the house with the agreeance of the room becoming a studio. 

After making my way through the house checking out every room I realized it truly was a dream come true. Every room looked like it did in the pictures and was amazing. I was really excited to go look at the backyard in hopes it would be the same. As I walked outside I noticed the patio furniture that came with the house was a bit messed up. It was a shame but other than that everything else seemed to be perfect, so I got over it quickly. The pool and landscaping of the backyard was absolutely breathtaking. I could not believe it was mine.

 I could not believe it was mine

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"El you have to come out here and look at this it's amazing," I yelled into the backdoor.

"Oooooo say no more I'm coming," she yelled back running towards the door.

"Wow this so cool I'm so excited for the things we can do back here in the future," She said jumping up and down excitedly.

Immediately following her phone began to buzz continuously.

"Someone's popular right now," I said laughing.

Elowynn looked down at her phone opening the twitter app. Her face immediately showed her surprise and excitement as she was aggressively scrolling through her notifications.

"Oh my gosh El, Oh my gosh," She said.

"What, what is it?" I said confused on what was happening.

"I know we just got here, but there is a rumor that 5SOS is going to be popping in at their friends birthday party for a performance only 30 minutes from here tomorrow night." Elowynn said quickly with clear excitement in her voice.

I saw where she was going with this immediately and sighed. I was also confused in a way.

"Okay, cool I guess, but what does this have to do with us," I asked. "Clearly we have no way to get into their friends party"

"No no no Mabel that's the thing, we do, it's a public party and it's free," She yelled with excitement.

"We have to go please May I will do anything please, what if I could meet them oh my gosh we have to go," Elowynn said. 

"Okay okay, calm down," I said with a slight laugh. "I don't know El it seems kind of sketch for them to be randomly at a public event that's free plus it'll probably be super overcrowded even if it is real," I said to her causing her to quickly pout.

"Mayyyy come on please I promise we can figure it out and you know i'll attempt to go even without you which would be even more dangerous, so just pleasseeeeee just this once go with me," She said with puppy dog eyes and a slight smile she tried to hide knowing I would give in.

I sighed and said "Fine, but you owe me BIG time, we better get inside and actually get some sleep in preparation for this."

Elowynn squealed and hugged me "I knew there was a reason you were my best friend, you are the actual best," she said.

"Yea yea yea, now bedtime, and I don't want to hear their music again for months after this," I said laughing at her offended look, while pushing her towards the door following closely behind. Tomorrow was certainly going to be interesting.

Heyyyy so this is the end of the first chapter. I hope you like it so far even though not much has happened :).. Just a warning this fic may be a bit of a slow burn.. and a reminder it's going to be slightly similar to the plot of the movie Starstruck in some aspects... Thanks for reading!

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