Love hurts

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This story begins where episode 36 ends.

" your eyes" she said while holding his face in her hands. Crying, shaking and not knowing what to do. This couldn't happen. This couldn't be true. After everything they went trough, their story shouldn't end this way. They didn't deserve this ending. " Ferit please....I can't live without you" she started to scream for help and kiss his forhead. 

Then suddenly someone came and saw Ferit there covered in blood in Seyrans arms. " Please call the ambulance.... Im begging you" so the person did. In the meanwhile Hatuc hala heard seyran screaming and went out to see what happened. There she saw the nightmare. Ferit laying in Seyrans arms with his eyes closed " O lord.. what is this.... Who did this daughter" " Aunt we need to save him. If something happens to him, I wont be able to live... that bastard... Tarik.... If I ever see him again I will be killing him with my own hands" Seyran never cried like this in her whole life. " Seyran kizim everything will be fine" " Askim please open your eyes" she hugged him very tight and didn't let go until te ambulance came.

In the meanwhile the Korhan family people found out where Ferit was and what happened. They informed Orhan. He didn't tell Gulgun anything. This time she would not survive it. She wouldn't after Fuat. He told abidin....

" what?"  .... Abidin blamed himself.... If he didn't fight with Ferit... if he didn't tell Ferit all those painful words.... If only he didnt blame Ferit... If only he didn't let ferit espace. This was all his fault. So he went with Orhan to antep.

In the meanwhile in the hospital.

The doctors rushed Ferit to the surgery room. " Doctor please can I come too?" Seyran said while crying " Ma'am im sorry but that isnt possible" Hatuc hala stayed there in the waiting room with seyran. " Its all my fault" she say on the ground and grabbed her hair while sitting in front of the wall. " If I didn't leave that day we wouldn't be like this.... If I didn't let go of him... if only I didn't sign that fucking divorce paper.... Why did I do this to us" Hatuc was crying seeing seyran in such a pain. She knows how much they love each other she held seyrans face in her arms while stroking it." Seyran kizm keep hope. I know its hard, but Ferit is a strong man" " Hope?.... Aunt hope?..... At this point Ive no hope anymore. My hope is fighting for his life. My hope.... They try to take my hope away from me... they don't want me to be with my hope" Hatuc brought her some water. " Please drink this" Seyran didn't care about the water... but she drank it for hatuc. She didnt want to make hatuc feel bad. At least she supported them was was there on their side. And even now... she is there with Seyran.

1.5 hours later...
Orhan and abidin arrived at the hospital..  be saw seyran all broken on the ground in the corner. " Where is my son"he yelled " Where is my son.... In fact what are you doing here this is all your fault" she cried because in fact if was her fault... if she just stayed at home and didn't go, he wouldn't be in this state now" What are you doing here huh?" Hatuc got mad " Orhan... come to your sense we are in a hospital... stop blaming my niece!..... They love each other and you know that! You know these children can't live without each other". Orhan got angrier... " Seyran I never want to see your face anymore leave"

Abidin was holding himself back so bad. If only Ferit knew how Orhan talked to Seyran... he made a fist with his hand and tried to calm down.
"Enough! Enough.... I wont go anywhere. You cant force me to go. Yes it was my fault that ferit came for me, but I let him go. How hard ir was for me... I did it. I went to antep, because my love for him is so big that I rather be without him and knowing that hes save, than to be with him and knowing he is in danger" orhan just looked at her he didn't know what to say

" Do you know how many times I told him this and to leave? He said that without me hes unhappy and not living... and that he would take me even if I dont want to...."she dried her tears " How hes fighting for me... I will fight for him like that until my last breath. My heart is with him, his arrival, when ill see him again... how I will see him and what he wil say if he sees me. I didn't look for a reason to love him anymore. His voice was enough for my heart" Hatuc smiled so proudly... seeing seyran stood up like this for their love made her happy. " what should I be scared of now? Ive nothing to lose.... What is death... Im not scared of death.. im scrared of living without ferit"

Abidin walked to her and hugged her. Orhan understood to fight cor them instead of blaming her. What would it give him anyway. Ferit wouldn't forgive him and he would go after her anyway.

15 minutes later...
The doctor came. Seyran stood up. " And doctor how ja my son? Be honest please dont let us wait.

" Your son is a very strong person. Thankfully he was shot in the shoulder and not lower. The surgery went well. He needs to stay here for a day just in case there will be any complications, but as I said he is very strong"

Abidin and orhan hugged each other.

" Oh thank God" she said very reliefed. He was strong ... he promised her not to let go. Hw kept his promise.
Orhan felt such a relief " well can we see him?"
" not now he will wake up very soon.. and then you will see him. But only 1 person"

When the doctor wanted to walk away he turned " Oh who is seyran?" He said.she stood up and did her hair behind her ear " me"

" I think he wants to see you. He kept saying your name" the doctor said while smiling.

" Orhan did you hear the doctor? Seyran will see ferit first" hatuc said " Okay". Seyran hugged hatuc " Thank you aunt" and gave her a kiss

10 minutes later.

Seyran opened the door of his room. There he was laying on the bed covered in white bandage on his right side. Seeing him like that broke her. " ferit" she whispered. He saw how broken she was " come here" he whispered.

She came and kissed his face a milion times. Then his hand." O my God I was so scared something would happen to you" .." shhh, come here" he said while sitting straight, so he could hug her. Her head touching his for head. Their eyes closed and her hands grabbing his head. He holds her arms with his hands. " I was scared too, but not from death... to not see you anymore... not touch you anymore.... Not bw able to kiss your lips anymore" she then kissed his lips 3 times. " Oh I was so scared.... But you kept your promise you didn't leave me" he smiled " Never!"

He made some space on the bed because he wanted her to lay next to him " come here" ..." but  ferit..".." Please I wanna feel you next to me.... Don't worry it doesn't hurt"
So she did
" Ferit.. you are the source of my joy, the center of my world and the whole of my heart. Please don't put yourself in danger anymore" ... his eyes literally were lighting up. " do you love me that much?...." He couldn't understand how someone could love him like that.
" ferit if I had to choose between breathing and loving you.... Id use my last breath to say how much I love you" they looked each other in the eyes and he kissed her. " you know... when I closed my eyes... I saw you... and when I opened them I missed you" she smiled " ferit im sorry... this is all my fault... everything tha-" he shut her by kissing her" non of this is your fault. Do you hear me?... I dont want to hear anything like that again. The only thing that matters is that we are here together. You and me. I don't need anything ese. Just hug me very tight... hug me... the wag you said remember? You still cant get enough while hugging me even tho you hug me tight.... Antep fistigi" she smiled " seni çok seviyorum"  he kissed her forhead " bende seni"

" I wanna hug you until tommorow" she said. " I wanna kill that bastard..... one slap wasn't enough" he looked down at her" You did what?" „ he said " Inshallah we will marry here in antep, buy of course I said that it wont even happen in his dreams. Then he said that if you came a lot of people would be sad. I slapped him and kicked him out... offff... " she was so tired of him he grabbed her face and kissed her " you're my brave lover... I love you" he said while grabbing her cheeks and kissing them " I guess we both crazy"

" Ferit I just want to forget about everything. Im happy that you are here next to me and save. Ive never been more scared in my entire life" " okay shhh.... Don't cry anymore please. I can't stand it when you cry. I want your beautiful eyes to shine only" they hugged again. Now she laid on the other side of his chest. Where there is no wound. She loved his skin texture touching her face. This was them enjoying each other.

Seyran sat straight up " Ferit" " hmm"

" we will be together right? Look I tried to br far from you.... But I can't I try to stop thinking about you, but I cant! You are all I need to be happy" ... he kissed her hands" Never!! Never will I let go of you. See even the bullet couldn't take us apart. You and me will be together I promise you" she looked him in the eyes and smiled. After smiling she kissed him very deep and very needed. He was all she needed.

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