The Beginning of My Love Story

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         It all began when I was four years old at France Daycare center, that was the  best daycare in all of France. Since my parents worked at the bakery all day and almost all night I would spend countless hours playing among my three friends all day; Nino, Chloe, and Nathaniel. After daycare was over I would go to Auntie's house and spend time playing with my cousin Bridgette. We were like twins, I know were cousins but I just can't help myself to call her sister. But one day she moved along with Auntie, never did I see Bridge again. But I still had all my friends, well most...

When Auntie Audrey left to NYC Chloe became a whole new person and she began to hate me. She would bully what left of a group we had, and then made a new friend to basically spit on what we made as a team. It was horrible, but me, Nino, and Nathaniel survived her rage. But I think it only worsen her mood to see us still stand side by side.

But after Chloe left a few months later Nino did the same, temporarily. Not with the bad attitude, but his Mommy parents had gotten sick beyond measures and had to see them at once. Leaving us to the two of us, me and Nat. This is where I think I started to form my first mini crush. I had all the time in the world to finally see Nathaniel's true colors, his true talents. The way his beautiful long red hair glisten with water drops from the summer activities my parents  and Nathaniel parents step up since it was only us two. I loved to watch him draw in his book of amazing characters, while me on the their hand was drawling him. But if not mistaken I was sure to have seen several of drawings of me in his book.

Since we were together for the rest of the summer and beginning of the school year we got to learn so much more about each other. And all I could do is lovingly stare at him every time I saw him. Even for a newly joined first grader I felt much older. As if, if I became an adult. Mommy and Daddy always share embraces because their adults, right? So if I was in love I was an adult, but did Nat feel like an adult, did he feel the love I felt for him. But wait! HOW DID I KNOW WHAT LOVE WAS? For as young as I was, why was love the only thing on my mind? Only at the age five it felt as if I was twenty - five.

I started to feel as if I was a terrible person because of this, wasn't I going to fast, thinking of love, of always wanting to be around him because he stayed.

Would this had been the reaction I gave to Nino if it was just him an I?

I knew I would regret such things but I had to tell him the truth and face the truth. It wasn't love it was child - play  done by a child. I was so young. I was still growing. I had slowly walked away from this phase of my life. And promise my self to never fall in love with someone young! Not even fourth grade! Until middle school.

You must be wondering how I know about feelings, love, truth and illusions. Especially at a young age. Mommy would watch romcoms or listen to the love radio and I would listen, when I didn't know something I would ask mommy to explain so I wouldn't be left behind. And she would always tell me family love stories. Even to a four to become five year old child. But yet at two I knew how to talk and cook, so anything was possible. But yet to me everything felt so impossible, maybe because I was young? Eventually Nino came back and our rest of the group came united, but felt empty with out another girl, the balance was broken. But then during second grade we found out stepping stone; Socqueline Wang. And as a group we because  extremely tight as a friend - family.                                                                                                                                                           

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