Tempest Clash

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I read the text message, got dressed and ran down the stairs. As I was approaching the front door, I slowed down a bit so I could grab my shoes with my right hand which were left by the door, and open the front door with my left hand. Luckily, my shoelaces were loose enough to put them on without having to untie and tie them again, but also tight enough not to come off. As I hurtled through the front door, not bothering to close it since I knew my mom and dad were home, I found myself standing on our well-known street, right in front of our house. I opened the message and read it once again. It was sent from a private number, but I definitely knew who the sender was - the organization that deals with paranormal activities which I had joined a couple of days ago - Seisei Spectral Society, or SSS for short. The message said:


Where: Abandoned Temple!

When: Now!

- SSS"

I guess the boss adheres to the principle of "short, precise and clear". I knew exactly where that Temple was because I used to go there regularly, but it eventually became abandoned due to rumors of a curse. I do not remember its name, though... Must be caused by the curse, hahah. So, I headed towards the place as fast as I could. Through the whole way I, full of excitement, was reading the message over and over again.

Two hours and a half later I reached the path leading to the temple. I kind of may or may not have gotten lost multiple times on the way here. After a refreshing walk in the forest, I finally reached the Temple. However, what welcomed me there was rather unpleasant: the whole temple destroyed; five people, wearing the SSS uniform, scattered and covered in blood; and a boy surrounded by wind levitating right above the temple. He looked straight into my eyes. I froze. Without a second thought he attacked me. He began to move his hands in a strange, random way, each movement changing the course of the wind surrounding us. A gust of wind lifted me up and slammed me down. He repeated that action several times. With each hit, my vision blurred more and more.


My body felt weightless, I couldn't see a thing, I couldn't hear a thing, it felt as if my body was floating uncoordinatedly in space. Old memories began to appear in my mind, as if chronologically put on a film strip. However, they were all connected only to this temple.

Then I remembered!

Sensoji Temple!

I rose to my feet, finding my injuries miraculously healed. As if in unison with my anger, a thunderstorm erupted. My hands started moving in a certain way as if someone was controlling them. What previously appeared to me as random movements now became clear to me. With the tips of my index and middle fingers I sketched an imaginary creature. Then I uttered the words:

- Come on out, Raijū! - Its body was composed of lightning and assumed the form of a wolf coloured in blue and white. - Let me ask you some questions, you troublemaker. Do you know the name of the temple you just demolished? Do you know the legend behind it!? I suppose you don't. Then I shall tell you. This sacred temple is believed to have been guarded by Fūjin and Raijin since ancient times. Do any of these names ring a bell to you?

- Oh, I do know this piece of fiction pretty well. However, as unpleasant as it may sound to you, I am an atheist.

- Hm, how ironic... Using a god's powers while not believing in gods.

- The gods shall be brought to their knees by the very powers that define them!

- I used to believe that you were far stronger than me, perhaps even unbeatable, you know? However, I've come to the realization that my firm faith in the gods makes me stronger than you could ever be.

- Enough talking! Meet your destiny! - All the wind that was blowing around us began gathering in my opponent's palms. It felt like he was sucking the air out of my lungs. As he focused his concentration, a whirlwind of unstoppable force built within him. He then pointed his hands at me, unleashing a turbulent force, which pierced through the air with incredible speed and power, transforming into a raging tempest that engulfs everything in its path.

Raijū began charging. As the horrifying tempest was getting closer and closer, the thunder beast launched itself straight into the heart of the storm with even greater speed and force. The clash resulted in Raijū completely obliterating the magical storm. With a powerful roar, Raijū ascended into the sky and crashed into the clouds, scattering them and revealing the clear sky once more.

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