Watch me fly, Daddy (prologue)

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"Daddy watch me fly!" the over excited 7 year old girl, Rose yelled as she jumped off a chair in her dads study.

"Rose don't do that sweetheart, you would hurt yourself" he dad, Micheal, says not paying much attention to her.

"you never pay attention to me" the girl whined.

"I'm sorry sweetie. How about, after I finish my work we can go get iceream. Does that sound good?"

Micheal said trying to compromise "you promise" rose said with pleading eyes " I promise " Micheal said making a pinky promise with the 7 year old.

You see, Micheal and Rose have always had a very close bond. After Ella, Michaels wife and rose mother, died age 32 in a car accident. Micheal and rose became closer than ever helping each other get over the death.

Even though Rose was only 4 when it happened, she still remembered it., Seeing as she was in the car when it happened. This caused Rose to go through some trauma. Even at the young age of 4.

-Time Skip-

"You ready?" Micheal said trying to hype up his daughter to go get ice cream as the barely got to spend time together due to his work. Rose nodded her head enthusiastically.

As they drove down the road the came across a stop light. It was on green so they went through. As they were going through, a tipsy driver came from the other side that was currently at a red light. The cars came into contact.

Everything seamed like a blur to rose. The flashing lights, the load tire screeching,
The fire.

Word count-271

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