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A/n: random burst of energy to write at 1am 👍.
















"I still think you should have stayed at your dorm today.." Hyo mumbled as he stared at Isagi.

"I'm fine, don't worry." He sighed softly looking down at his phone.

"Right...whatever you say." Hyo shrugged.

"We have drama first." Isagi said putting his phone away.

"Oh great." Hyo groaned annoyed.

"What time does class start?" Isagi asked.

"Arounddd...15 more minutes." Hyo said as he stared at the time on his own phone.

"There was a school clock right there." Isagi pointed out.

"I can't read that." Hyo replied bluntly.

"You're...in highschool and you still can't..?" Isagi sighed.

"Yup." Hyo nodded.

"I'm not that surprised, come on let's get to class." Isagi said as he began walking off with Hyo to catch up to him.

As usual, they walked to class talking with each other. When they got to their class, they noticed how majority of their classmates were already present.

"I~sa~gi!" Bachira exclaimed and pounced on him.

Isagi only managed to not hit the floor because of Hyo just using himself as a support beam.

"Goodmorning to you aswell Bachira." Isagi said.

"You feeling okay?? You're kinda pale." Bachira pointed out making Hyo observe Isagi again.

"If you end up passing out randomly, you have to deem me smart." Hyo determined folding his arms.

"Yeah, yeah whatever, and I'm feeling fine, don't worry Bachira." Isagi hummed as he patted his head.

Not long afterwards, class started and they had to get back into their original group with their script.

"Okay...so, are yous okay with being touchy and all?" Hyo asked as he looked at both Kurona and Isagi, they both nodded.

"Alright, let's just run through our scenes again." Hyo said, the others nodded in agreement.

Going through their scenes over and over, got boring and tiring, but hopefully it'll be worth the final product.

"Are you feeling better Isagi?" Rin asked as he finally managed to talk to Isagi without Kurona and Hyo having their attention on them both.

"Mhm." Isagi nodded.

Rin nodded his head, both of them standing in silence, till the school bell ringing destroyed the atmosphere between them and Isagi walked over to Hyo.

"And we have....History next right?" Hyo asked wanting to confirm.

"Yep." Chigiri responded for Isagi, scaring the life out of Hyo.

"You gotta stop doing that.." Hyo sighed softly.

"Doing what?" Chigiri asked clueless.

"Wh- you know what, nevermind." Hyo said shaking his head slightly with a chuckle.

They walked over to History, having small conversations between the small group. When they walked in, Isagi sat with Hyo, meanwhile Chigiri and Bachira sat behind the both of them.

The lesson was relatively quick, even though Isagi completely disliked History. The bell rang and interval began.

"Ah, jeez, finally." Hyo said as he stretched.

"Do you have everything?" Isagi asked, Hyo nodded as a response and they both exited the class together.

They walked through the hall, making their way to the stairwell. Hyo being Hyo, he wasn't watching where he was walking and had bumped into a girl a head shorter than him.

Isagi held in his laugh as he happened to realize  he bumped into one of the popular kids, while Hyo just glanced at the girl.

"Uh, sorry, I wasn't watching where I was going." Hyo said, very awkwardly.

"Right...watch where you're going next time buddy." She replied, her tone was chill, her stare was a different story.

She then walked off with her 4 other friends catching up to her, Isagi then laughed.

"Shut up Isagi!" Hyo said completely embarrassed about the situation.

"You were so tensed up." Isagi said between laughter.

"Was not." He huffed and turned his head away from Isagi.

"You just bumped into her, no big deal." Isagi finished with a shrug and continued walking.

"She looked like she was going to murder me!" Hyo said in defense catching up to Isagi.

"I know." Isagi said.


















A/n: this is, an insanely boring chapter, but I had no ideas, but now I do for the next.

So in other words this was basically a filler chapter 😭😭.

Tysm for the attention on this book?!?!

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