Day Seventeen : On The Road Again

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Heeeey... Journal. I'm.. little confused on what happened.. but.. it's hard to explain. I'm.. okay?
Mostly I think? I keep thinking of cat-like stuff, but.. I'm fine. I mean.. my arm being that thing's entire arm and paw is pretty freaky.

It atleast feels cool. And a neat way of defending myself, if I use it right.. of course. God.. I have no clue what's going on.

But.. the better news!

I'm finally less than a mile away! Thank the lords or.. something. Thank everything!

I'm not sure if she'd like me as a cat person though..
It's kinda awkward.. heh.

Arm is feeling weird though.. it's spreading. Slowly.
Not sure on what to yet. If worse comes to shove.. I'll just.. use Mr. Choppy the Knife. And power through everything that I can. So atleast I don't die in vain.
Stay Strong Me! You can do it!

God, everything became more timed than I thought it would. I've got a headache worse than a.. head crushing? I don't know. But I'm myself. For.. once.
I have never been so.. thankful to be myself for once.

I'm continuing the journey. Wish me luck eh? I'm crazy for writing this in here.. huh? I've atleast still got some humor, huh? :D

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