It's an interesting word isn't it? That's because it has multiple meanings that can be linked to anything, for instance you can love your animals, love objects like a car or even your favorite childhood tree, a tv series even, you can love your friends and even have love for your family members.
Though the love I'm referring to is being in love , that person who makes your heart race like it's on a track, the one who never faults to make you laugh or smile on a terrible day, that fuzzy feeling your body gets when your close to them and the butterflies that eat your stomach when you hear their voice. That kind of love.
Though this love isn't always pure, it's also the love that shatters you until your nothing but an empty shell, the love that makes you scream until you have no voice or words to use, or cry so hard you could fill an entire pool with your salty tears. The one you always go running to in hopes of a new start only to have an even greater fallout. The pain your willing to go through for them but don't have the strength to continue the journey.
Love is strange , it truly is, it's a weird feeling. Especially if you don't love yourself, how do you love another person? Why go through all the pain, chasing, tears, doubt, and heartfelt if that's how you feel when you see yourself in the mirror. I say fuck love , it'll come around. Love yourself before you love someone else , because in the end it just hurts worse.
Late Night Thoughts
RandomQuick chapters of random late night topics you think to yourself , the ones you write in your notebook tucked away from the naked eye. The ones you won't let anyone see because they might think of you differently, or the feelings you write because y...