Chapter 25

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Monday morning found me back in the Archives, finally reshelving the Tennessee land treaty. After spending the weekend lugging that briefcase around, signing the chain of custody paperwork with Linda was a relief - I couldn't wait to get that damned thing off of my hands.

Just as I was returning to the workroom, River called over their shoulder, "Hey, Sophie?"


"While you're up, could you do me a favor?"

Walking up to their station, I answered, "Sure - what is it?"

River held up a sticky note, "I've got a mention here of a document that we don't have scanned yet. Would you mind getting that for me? I want to include it as a cross reference."

Taking it, I nodded, "No problem!"

But, when I came back in, there was a tall, slim man with his back to me, speaking to River.

"Oh, hi, Tom."

Turning his head, he gave me an embarrassed grin, "Hi, Sophie."

"Don't mind me." Walking over to a worktable, I set the box on top, pausing to pull on gloves before opening it and delicately removing the contents.

As I searched, though, I kept glancing over at the couple, listening as they made plans for dinner. In stolen glimpses, I watched as my roommate blossomed under Tom's attention, eyes sparkling, cheeks blushing, lips curved in an irrepressible smile.

Oh, boy.

Returning my focus to my work, I tried to be happy for my friend, but in the back of my mind, a thousand small fears rained down, dampening my mood.

Lost in thought, I didn't notice that Tom had spoken to me until he repeated himself, "Sophie?"

Raising my head, I asked, "Sorry, what?"

Abashed, Tom took a breath, "I just wanted to apologize for Saturday. You shouldn't have had to walk in on... that."

Heat flooded my cheeks, "Don't worry about it-"

River cut in, placing a hand on his arm, "Seriously, it's fine - Soph and I already talked it out."


"No 'buts'. If I hadn't been a dumbass and had read her flight information correctly, I would have known when she was actually coming home, and we wouldn't have gotten caught."

"Still," Tom said, "I wanted to try and make it up to you - River and I are planning on going out to Tooley's on Wednesday night, and you're invited too. I know you like dancing, and, honestly, I'm hoping that treating you to a night out will help ease my conscience about what you saw."

"Um," I hesitated, remembering that I had plans with Malcolm after work, "maybe? I have something going on that afternoon, and I'm not sure how long it will take?"

"Well, let me know what you decide?"

"Of course."

He turned away, planting a quick kiss on River's lips and exchanging goodbyes before heading back upstairs to the pack's corporate offices.

As the door shut behind him, I observed, "So, things seem to be going well?"

River smiled, "Very."

Shoving my tumultuous feelings aside, I replied, "I'm glad. You deserve a good guy, Riv."

River glanced away, joking, "Stop it - you're going to make me blush."

I grinned, "You were blushing the entire time Tom was here, why stop now?"

Flustered, they turned back to their computer, changing the subject, "Anyway, I didn't know you had plans on Wednesday?"

"Yeah," I replied, returning to the task at hand, "Malcolm and I are going on a date."

Glancing back, River asked, "Really? Where?"

"No idea."


I looked up, shrugging, "He said it was a surprise."

"Oh, that's fun."

"He also said to wear comfortable clothes, which has me worried."

"Sounds ominous," River agreed. "Actually..." Their voice trailed off.


"Why don't you bring him along? Make it a double date?"

Hesitating, I said, "I... I don't know if I'm ready for that."

River raised an eyebrow, "For dancing?"

"For going public." I muttered.


"Yeah, like, right now it's just us. We're getting to know each other - just taking it slow and enjoying each other's company. But... but, the instant that the Pack finds out, suddenly there's going to be stakes and expectations and judgment." My thoughts darkened, bombarded by memory.


"And if we show up at Tooley's together, everyone in the Pack is going to hear about it."

Gently, River asked, "Is that such a bad thing?"

Oh, right, I thought, River doesn't know.

Since moving away from my birth Pack, I'd kept the circumstances that led to my leaving a secret from everyone.

Everyone except Malcolm...

Pausing, I remembered that warm Tennessee night. The whiskey had gone straight to my tongue, and I'd let my guard down, confessing more to Malcolm than I ever had to anyone else.

That has to mean something, right?


"Soph, I can understand how this might be a rough transition, but they're bound to find out sooner or later."

Sighing, I said, "I guess."

River watched me, seeming to take in my reluctance.

"For what it's worth?"


"I don't think our packmates finding out would be as bad as you're expecting," River began, "Like, I know what it's like to be in a Pack of judgy assholes, and I've never felt that here."

That makes two of us.


"Trust me. My old Alpha insists on deadnaming me every time we meet, and the people here? They apologize when they get my pronouns wrong." Looking me in the eyes, River admonished, "I don't think you have anything to worry about."

Comforted, I smiled, "Thanks, Riv." As I moved to take the next document out of the box, I added, "Also, for the record? Your old Alpha's a massive cunt."

River chuckled, "I couldn't agree with you more."

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