Chapter 1: I Miss You, Zombie

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Flashback - A year ago

"Don't tell me he's gone, Willa. Don't tell me!" Wyatt raised his voice, already sobbing.

Willa hugged her brother, letting him cry on her shoulder, "I'm so sorry, Wyatt but the doctors couldn't save him. No matter how much they tried."


Wyatt opened his eyes as tears fell down his cheeks. He's been having these dreams for the past year since he lost Zed. His boyfriend.

The one person he once called his soulmate, the one who understood him like no one else, the one he never got the chance to tell how much he loved him.

The werewolf sat up in his bed, wiping his tears. He missed him so much. So much that every time he thinks of him, it feels like a stab in his heart. He remembers their last moments together, the warmth of Zed's embrace, the sound of his laughter, and the way his eyes sparkled when he smiled.

It had been a year since Zed's passing, but the pain was still raw and unbearable. Wyatt often found himself lost in his memories, reliving the moments they shared together. He wished he could turn back time and tell Zed how much he loved him, but it was too late.

Wyatt stood from his bed and walked over to his closet to grab a pair of his combat boots. After slipping them on, he reached to grab a jacket for it might be cool outside. His hand landed on a familiar jacket and Wyatt recognized it as Zed's football jacket that he let him borrow one night when they had their first kiss. I guess he forgot to give it back to him.

Wyatt held the jacket close to his chest, feeling the fabric against his skin. He inhaled the scent, sighing in contentment. It still smells like him. He slips the jacket on and leaves his room.

As Wyatt steps out of his room, he is immediately hit by a wave of memories flooding back to him. Memories of the times he spent with Zed, the adventures they had, and the feelings they shared. The jacket feels like a warm embrace, as though Zed's spirit is still with him.

Wyatt makes his way outside, feeling a sense of peace and calm wash over him. He looks up at the stars and feels a sudden urge to talk to Zed, to tell him everything that has happened since he has been gone. He begins to speak, pouring his heart out and telling Zed how much he misses him.

"I wish you were here, Zed. I miss you so much," Wyatt says, his voice cracking with emotion. "I still remember the way you used to laugh, the sound of your voice, and the way you looked at me. I regret not telling you how much I loved you when I had the chance. I hope you knew how much you meant to me." As Wyatt speaks, he feels a sense of release, as though a weight has been lifted from his shoulders. He knows that Zed can't hear him, but he still feels a sense of comfort in the act of speaking to him. The jacket feels like a tangible connection to the person he loved, and it brings him a sense of peace.

"Zoey misses you know?" Wyatt admitted, fiddling with the jacket. "Your dad tells me that she still sleeps in your room every night, barely coming out of it. He's worried that she's never going to fully recover from losing you. Without her big brother here to comfort her, she feels lost and alone. I try to be there for her as much as I can, but it's not the same as having you here. We all miss you so much, Zed, and we wish you were still here with us. But I know that you're watching over us, and that you'll always be a part of our lives." As Wyatt finishes speaking, he closes his eyes and takes a deep breath as he feels a gust of wind wash over him. Zed is here.

As a werewolf, Wyatt is aware that they have an innate sense of detecting the presence of their loved ones. "Thanks for being here, zombie," Wyatt whispers, smiling through his tears. "I'll love and honor you forever."

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