5 Well That Was Interesting

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To say that her first shift was a rollercoaster was an understatement when they got back to the firehouse the engine was gone and no one was quite sure where it went. Then after they sat around for a while after figuring out the truck was needed for a call they see it pull back into the house and Buck comes out of the truck not in uniform. "Oh dear" she mumbles under her breath receiving a knowing look from Hen.

To say they were shocked when Buck walks back upstairs in his uniform was an understatement but this probably means he is ready for the responsibility now and honestly she didn't know if she would ever figure out where everything is without him. Later that day they went to the site of a car crash and she couldn't find the jaws of life and Buck saved the day by pointing out the right spot again but hey at least she got them in the end.


That evening after they finished there 36 hour shift all of them were walking out when she had to step away from the others to answer a call really quick "Hellooo" she said.

"Hi Alex" her friend Natasha said. She has known Natasha for a while since her and her sister started working at the hospital. Natasha also known as Nat was also doctor at the hospital and a very close friend since they have known her for almost ten years now.

"Hey Nat what can i do for you" Alex said.

"Um so I need to ask a favor" Nat mumbled into the speaker

"What..." Alex trailed off.

"Um I need you to come in we are understaffed and at least it is just for the last 8 hours of the shift"

"Ugh can't you make Val do it I've been awake for too long at this point" she and the rest of the 118 had to get to a car crash when they were waiting for b-shift to tap them out and it was a lot of cars and problems so they needed all hands on deck.

"You don't think I thought of that I saw your engine on TV and you were here 30 minutes ago bringing in crash victims but we are swamped and Val already picked up a shift with the LAPD"

"Fine give me 30 minutes" Alex said hanging up and walking out of the house only to be met by Buck, Hen, and Chimney standing near her car. "Hey guys what's up" she said sliding past them and throwing her bag in the back seat.

"We were wondering if you wanted to join us for a drink you know to surviving your first shift" Buck said looking down and rubbing the back of his neck with his hand.

"Oh I really wish I could but I just picked up the tail end of a shift at the hospital so kinda gotta be there" she said hurriedly going to the drivers side of the car.

"Yeah totally next time" Buck said going with Chimney to their cars.

After they were a few feet away Hen walked up to her and said "Hey I know we are all like new to you and I hope I'm not overstepping here but try to take care of yourself I saw you walk in this morning and you looked tired. You are young don't be burnt out so quickly trying to fulfill everyone's needs" as she placed a comforting hand on her shoulder and gave it a squeeze "it is okay to say no" she finished and walked away.

You jumped in your car and pressed your head to the steering wheel breathing out shakily. "If only she knew" you thought.


"Hey Dorothy" Alex said walking into the busy doors of the ER met by a flustered Dorothy the charge nurse.

"Hey Alex I didn't know you were working tonight and if you are you're late" Dorothy said quickly grabbing files and making her way to the staff room with Alex.

"Yeah Natasha called me 15 minutes ago and said you were understaffed so I came in for the last 8ish hours to you know help with whatever you need me to do" Alex said putting her bag in her locker and grabbing some scrubs from the machine throwing them on.

Fire with Fire // 9-1-1-Evan "Buck" Buckley (on hold)Where stories live. Discover now