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"Do you want to go to the mall today?" They had just finished their breakfast and it was the weekend. Jungkook doesn't want to simply sit at home and get bored. Going out would be perhaps a better option.

"Sure. Haven't been there in a long time." Jimin already has his shoes on, tying up his shoelaces, before Jungkook can blink

"Since when are you so quick?"

'When I get a chance to spend more time with you', Jimin thinks. But, of course, he doesn't answer Jungkook’s question like that.

Jimin simply shrugs and blurts out the first thing that comes to his mind. "I want ice cream." 

He says it like they don't have ice cream in the freezer, one of his favourites at that, but he doesn't want to stay home either. Not when he has the chance to get to know Jungkook better.

"Hahaha. You're too adorable when it comes to ice cream."

The smaller blushes when he sees Jungkook’s thin lips curl into a bunny smile, causing his heart to flutter.

"Ready to go?" Jimin nods.

They set off shortly after and walk together in pleasant silence to the bus stop. Arriving, the bus also only came a little later, in which they got on, Jimin cursed inwardly. Because that didn't happen without embarrassing himself and slipping on the step and falling behind. It could have ended embarrassingly and painfully. Fortunately, that was prevented by Jungkook, who was right behind him and held him by the waist. Not to mention the flush that crept over Jimin’s face afterwards.

Inside the bus, it was occupied by not many people, but not less either. Jimin was the first one to go to the back of the bus, taking a seat at the window. Jungkook followed suit, taking the seat next to him.

Every so often, their hands and knees would brush against one another on the ride, creating some comfortable tension between them. At some point, they're too caught up in their thoughts and Jimin's head falls onto the taller one's shoulder. That is just one of the many examples to see that they have gotten closer and more comfortable with each other.

Once they arrive at the mall, Jimin reaches out for Jungkook's arm and pulls him to the ice cream parlour.

He just couldn't wait.

"What flavour do you want to get? I'll go and get it for you."

"No, it's okay. I can pay for it myself," Jimin stubbornly says.

"That's out of the question. I was the one who suggested going to the mall, so tell me what I can get you." Jimin sighs, he knows Jungkook won’t change his mind and he just has to settle for this—whether he likes it or not. He's too stubborn.

"Okay. Strawberry and snickers, please. I will go to the table in the back." He points at it with his index finger.

Jungkook nods and turns to the counter.

Jimin takes the opportunity to think back to their first encounters and how much Jungkook has changed for the better. Jungkook is no longer the ticking time bomb that’s just waiting to explode.

He has opened up more and more to Jimin day by day over the previous weeks. The same goes for Jimin. They have been living together for one month, and yet it feels longer.

Despite getting closer, there’s still this secret Jimin carries around, eating him up from the inside. Though, Jimin is willing to trust Jungkook with certain things. The problem with the bullies is still present and untouched. Even if they left him alone yesterday, it's only a matter of time before they would corner him and Jungkook would know about it.

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