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Authors note: 

Hi everyone, 

I am still working on this story but I am confident It will be finished soon so I decided to start publishing, I hope you like it as much as I do!

Greetings,  Kuma

I finally arrived in front of the huge building that would be my new workplace from now on. The ride from my apartment to my workplace was long with two separate bus rides but it was worth it. The huge building was intimidating in a way, towering over me. A huge contrast to to small company I worked for before. With a sense of determination, I stepped inside, ready to make my mark. As I made my way through the bustling hallways, the energy of the place was palpable. Only now with all the people rushing around and working I really came to realise. This was a big company. Hard work and ambition were highly valued here, and I was ready to showcase my skills. Upon reaching the 18th floor, I was greeted by Robin, who introduced herself as my colleague. She was more than willing to answer my questions and made me feel at ease. Robin then introduced me to Nami and Usopp, two colleagues with whom I would be sharing an office desk as well. It was reassuring to know that I wouldn't be navigating this new environment alone.

Soon, it was time for lunch, and we all headed to the cafeteria together. As we sat down and began chatting, my curiosity grew about the higher ranks within the company. Robin explained that the head of the company, known as Mr Newgate, held the top position. Marco and Ace were his closest associates. Nami chimed in, squeaking about how hot Ace was. Usopp, however, interrupted her, redirecting our attention to the most significant person for me—the head of our department.

"Mr Kamazo is a bit odd, I think," Usopp mumbled. "Let me tell you, he's quite handsome and built like a tank." Nami squawked with excitement again. She really wasn't joking when she told me she was looking for a man earlier. Robin shook her head with a smile. "I wouldn't say he's odd, just not very talkative. There's an air of mystery around him," she explained, her eyes gleaming mischievously. I was intrigued.

"Mysterious?" I asked, wanting to know more.

"Yeah, in other departments, the chiefs are always chatty with their teams and even go out for events like Christmas parties," Usopp shared. "But he's different. He stays in his office most of the time and hardly greets anyone unless necessary. But he is not rude either." He shook his head puzzled by the department head's behaviour.

"He hasn't been with the company for too long though, maybe about a year," Robin added, her expression thoughtful. Usopp leaned forward, his voice lowering. "Rumors say he used to be a gangster from the southside." The mention of the southside sent a shiver down my spine. The southside was notorious for its dangers, and it seemed unlikely that a company of this reputation would hire someone with such a background.


A few weeks had passed since starting my new job, and I found myself fully engaged in my work, often staying late into the night. It was during one such night, after a particularly long day, that I made my way home. The rain poured relentlessly, soaking me to the bone as I walked along the path that led me past a train bridge near the company. As I hurried through the downpour, my mind consumed with thoughts of work, a sudden movement in the dark caught my eye. My heart skipped a beat as I saw a figure standing on the other side of the railing of the bridge, on the verge of jumping. Without hesitation, an instinctual surge of adrenaline pushed me forward. I rushed towards the man, grabbing his jacket just in time to prevent him from letting go.

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