Demetria, the Great

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Don't think of me as a cliche person,

because I'll tell you this story with a reason.

Of how a beautiful girl who goes by the name of Demi

saved somebody like me.

Take a seat, and watch as my adventure unravels.

It starts with a girl who travels, 

and performs in sold out arenas. 

Her voice lacing the air like silk,

One of the talents she shared with her childhood friend Selena.

But not all was good,

Because society made it all about look.

She fell into temptation,

she hurt, and had a journey to travel.

She went from broken and beaten down,

into an inspiring creation. 

She traveled a road made of gravel,

To be here today, to be wearing that "crown".

She smiles through the pain,

because every once in a while it will still rain.

She has her lovatics,

and puts up with the medias antics.

Her story is inspiring,

her story is what saved me.

Because I know fake smiles get tiring,

but let life take you to your destiny.

She's taught me I'm meant to be here,

so I'll look up to the sky and let out a cheer.

For I have been hurt, and I have been lost.

But lovatics stick together, no matter the cost. 

I now understand, 

Fate has it's plans.

We all have our journey, and we are all still learning.

So, I won't forget to smile,

because I travel by miles.

Because for each step I take,

do you know it will make?

It will make me stronger,

so I can last longer.

Because life get's you down, but turn that frown upside down!

"I will be rising from the ground, like a skyscraper",

because you're skins not made up paper,

it's not there to cut.

"You never really can fix a heart",

it'll get torn apart,

on your way.

But I promise you, it'll be okay.

I love you all. 

And thank you for joining me on this adventure. I'll write another chapter explaining MY story, just telling it not in a poem. But only if you guys wan't me too. I'm not even sure if I'll get any reads, but it's worth a try. 

But always remember;

You're beautiful. And you are loved.

You are worthy of you're life, and you are worth it.

Don't ever think you're not, bad times come and go. 

And never loose H.O.P.E





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