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The day for me starts off a gruelling morning, my eyes heavy as I awoke. The morning sun shone on my eyes ; making me squint a little. My phone rang, who could be ringing me at this time, more importantly, why? I grabbed my phone, it was Alice . I hesitantly answered, Alice had been my best friend for around 4 years now, the only reason I hesitate whilst I receive calls from her is the fact shes quite eccentric, energetic. It was too early to deal with her, yet I answered anyways.

"Hello?" I muttered, rubbing my eyes. "VALORIE!!" She yelled, her heavy breathing echoed through my head..
"What is it? Why're you shouting?" I snapped back at her. "You've got to help me! Please!" She replied, her voice was shaking as she said this, had she been crying? "With what? With what?! Where are you!!" I Replied, I was worried now, really worried, Alice had never spoke this way, never sounded this scared. "PLEASE VALORIE, I NEED YOU HERE NOW.. I'M AT THE NIGHTCLUB ON MOWBRAY!!" She yelped, panic in her voice as I heard loud footsteps followed by the sounds of gushing wind. Suddenly, the phone cut off. My eyed widened and I quickly Jumped out of bed, Throwing on the closest pieces of clothing I could see. I tied my hair up and hurriedly grabbed my keys, Bolting out the front door.

I couldn't let anything happen to Alice, I needed her in my life. But right now, I feared for hers. I hopped into my car, turning the keys and starting Ignition. I pushed my foot on the gas and skidded out of my driveway. The time was now 4:03am, She had called me at 3:47am. Anything could have happened to her in the time it took me to finally start rushing towards the club. Anything. I wish I knew what potential danger I was putting myself in to, but Alice gave me little to no information. I didn't care, I needed Alice, I had to make sure she was okay.

I finally approached the club, I hurriedly Jolted out of my car, slamming the door behind me as I ran into the Club. I needed to find her, I needed to see her. My eyes scanned the Club but it was so packed with people I couldn't even recognise her if she was here, I had no clue what she was wearing, what she was doing.  Where she was. I quickly pulled out my phone and punched her number into it, dialling her. It didn't even ring ; straight to voicemail. Strange, her phone was always on. Now I knew, something was wrong, seriously wrong. I remember, I heard wind. She must've been outside. "Fuck." I muttered to myself. Couldn't she have been more specific?! I slammed my hand Into the wall. I was worried, really worried. I ran out of the club and sped down Mowbray, going as fast as my legs would take me.

"Alice! ALICE!" I yelped, still running, my breath hitched as I turned a corner. There she was, huddled up in an alleyway. I hurried to my knees, shaking her softly. Her eyes were closed, her cheeks stained with mascara and blood smeared on her lips. I brushed her blond hair out of her face. "Alice?! Alice please.. I can't lose you. PLEASE!" I spat as tears welled in the corners of my eyes. A shadow emerged from behind me, I felt a strong, intimidating demeanour as I heard the sound of shuffling behind me. I ignored it, I was more focused on Alice right now and her well-being, though I was scared by the presence I sensed behind me. Alices eyes fluttered open and her body jerked backwards at the sight of me, her head hit the wall she was parched in-front of. "Careful Alice, what happened?.." I said softly as I brushed my fingers through her knotted hair. "Why are you bleeding?.."I said, concern was written all over my face. "Behind you.." She muttered, fear was in her eyes as she looked behind me. I finally turn around to see a tall man, his emotionless eyes peered down at me, his lips twisted into a smirk. My eyes widened, I had seen him before. On the news.. "Please Valorie, DONT LET HIM TAKE ME AGAIN." Alice screamed as she threw her face into the curve of my neck. "What are you talking about?! Who is that?!"I yelped as I looked back him. He kneeled down to my level, his eyes locked onto mine.
"You seriously don't know who I am?" He said in a deep tone, tilting his head as he did. "I know you're a Jerk, a Creep, an abuser-" I didn't get to finish, a sharp pain was inflicted upon my cheek, he had slapped me. I stumbled backwards just a little, placing a hand on my cheek. "You don't speak to me that way." He spat as he grabbed my wrist and yanked me away from Alice, he had moved me so easily. I felt useless. But I had to do something. He reached for Alice, I retaliated and hurriedly grabbed a bottle. "Don't even think about it bitch." he said in a tone, annoyance was displayed all over his face. "Fuck you!" I spat at him before hitting him in the head with the bottle, it smashed on impact. He stumbled to his knees and I grabbed Alices wrist, pulling her up and running with her to my car.

"I'm so scared!" She Whined as I dragged her to my car, throwing her gently into the backseat as I hurriedly bolted to the front, turning my keys and stepping on the gas, we sped off. Skidding as we did "Alice, EXPLAIN, NOW!" I yelled as I kept my eyes on the road. "I'm so sorry, i'm so sorry." she cried as she sunk her head into her palms. "JUST EXPLAIN!" I snapped at her. "I met him inside.. he said his brother liked me, and when I saw his brother I just lost control.. but he scared me, so I tried to run, but they hurt me.." she whined. "Fucking bastards." I muttered to myself as we sped down the deserted roads. Suddenly, I heard a Motorcycle screeching behind us, it was the man, he was tailing us. I looked through the rearview mirror and my eyes widened. He was a psycho. I panicked as I saw him pull a gun from his jacket, shooting through my back-window. It just missed us. I swerved onto the other side of the road, as Alice cried. "Fuck Alice, What have you got us into." I muttered as I tightened my grasp on the wheel, my knuckles turned white.

The Motorcycle behind us suddenly disappeared, but then. It was right in front of me. I pressed my foot on the break quickly and the car came to a halt. My eyes widened as I saw him staring at me with desire in his eyes. He walked up to my car and smashed the window, he Grabbed my jacket and pulled me close to his face. A shame, such an attractive man . What a waste. "Get out. Now." He whispered, looking at me with jaded eyes. I slowly climbed out, Locking the doors behind me and signalled for Alice to get to the front of the car and get out of here. She did, she slammed her foot on the gas and sped off. The man dragged me, pulled me close to him as he wrapped his arms around me. "Don't be a smart ass. You're Pathetic." He said with anger in his tone. "Fuck you , you're just a nobody." I snapped at him, he Slowly leaned closer. "You watch who you're talking to you sad little whore. I'm Bill fucking Kaulitz ." He replied, his breath lingered on my skin, causing me to shake a little. My eyes widened as I heard his name. "Bill.. Kaulitz?.." I said in disbelief. He inched closer, his lips grazing my ear. "bingo."

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