Rules (Updated)

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You need to read all of these rules because if you don't do the form properly and just went to the end to see the passes then I WILL delete your form.

1. No stealing; to explain this, I don't mean the idea of the apply fic, I mean the characters you'll be entering into the apply fic, no copying the name, appearance or the whole personality and fears, I know you all have ideas, but that doesn't mean you can copy and paste a whole form because you were 'Lazy' I'll give you a warning if I see this happen.

2. No being rude; and I mean, no swearing at someone if there was one opening of a slot that you wanted and someone got it before you, also no harassment, or bullying. 

3. No whining; this thankfully hasn't happened to me yet, but please don't whine or talk sass to me if you didn't get what you wanted,{First pass is your favorite color.} or, swear at me because you had a bad day or that I 'stole' your idea, I'll admit that this idea isn't original, but I'm not stealing, I just thought this would be cool to do.

4. When entering your form you are giving me FULL permission to do whatever I want with ur character, I'm not going to abuse this though, but if you have any sort of note on what you REALLY don't want to happen to ur character then please add that to the form.

5. In this applyfic I sadly won't have any LGBTQ+ stuff just because that's a bit hard to write, I will ship two characters of the same gender together if you and the other person who owns that character agree and have told me so in the comments, {Second pass is your favorite breed of cat} but I would like only female and male characters with the odd non-binary character, again it's difficult to write these kinds of things into wc.

6. Have fun!!! This is my most important rule, even if your just filling out forms, have fun and be happy and kind to others.

7. The passes are in the rules, and don't get to put the passes in the form

(If anyone has ANY questions whatsoever please ask me I'll be happy to answer)

{Might be some mild gore}

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