𝑪𝒉𝒂𝒓𝒎𝒂𝒊𝒏𝒆 𝒗.𝒔 𝒔𝒉𝒆-𝒅𝒆𝒗𝒊𝒍

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It's Thursday!

Charmaine went to go see Eric and Jason basketball game.

What followed was Desiree was also there. With a nice lawn chair because she wouldn't dare to sit on the bleachers and has a nice cold drink she made Eric make.

"Um excuse me Charlotte." Desiree said.

"Charmaine." Charmaine corrected.

"Whatever anyway, Crystal." Desiree said making Charmaine roll her eyes.

"I would really prefer if you un invite Eric to your little skating thing." Desiree said.

"Why?" Charmaine asked.

"Well you see Charlie, I would really appreciate if Eric could come with me to get my car fixed." Desiree said.

"Whatever you say Vampira." Charmaine said.

"Desiree." She corrected.

"Oh that's your day name." Charmaine said and somehow Jason heard that and was laughing and Desiree looked at him and he straightened up and went back to playing.


"Hello my little yankee doodle." Desiree said.

"Hi Desiree." Eric smiled.

"Could you be a doll and come and help me get my car fixed I don't know around. 5?" Desiree asked.

"But Charmaine's skating competition is at 5!" Eric said.

"I know but I would really love to have your help." Desiree said running her fingers through his hair.

Eric looked so entranced by that so he walked up to Charmaine.

"Hey Charmaine. I'm sorry but-" Eric said but got cut off by Charmaine.

"It's fine. You go have fun with the she-devil and fixing her car. Come on Jason let's go." Charmaine said and grabbed Jason's arm.

"Charmaine!" Eric yelled out but it was no use.


The team Charmaine is in will get invited to compete with others for a whole two months.

As long as they win these two competitions.

"WOOHOO YES CHARMAINE!" Her whole family and Jason are cheering.

"I haven't even started. And i'm right here." Charmaine stated.

Travis then walked up to the whole group.

"Charmaine! Are you ready?" Travis asked.

"Yeah I think so." Charmaine answered.

"Your up next, you'll do great! Say it!" Travis smiled.

"I'll do great." Charmaine said.

"Come on say it like you mean it. You'll do great!" He shakes her a bit.

"I'll do great!" She yelled.

"That's the spirit!" He patted her on the shoulder.

"Okay your up!" Another guy said.

"Good luck!" Jason and Travis both said and they both looked at each-other for a second and shrugged.

"You got this Charmaine!" Her family said.

She got up the ramp and kicked her board up and took a deep breath and looked around in hoping to see Eric. Hoping he changed his mind.

He wasn't there.

She let out the breath, and started skating.

"WOOHOO THATS MY GIRL!" Chet yelled.

Jason was also looking to see if Eric changed his mind and showed up. No luck. He was so disappointed in him.


Charmaines team crowded before her family can get there. They were high-fiving her and hugging her.

I bet you could guess.


There's gonna be a few more competitions.

after the team got to her Travis was next.

"WE DID IT!" Travis said and they both started jumping excitedly and hugged.

"YES WE DID!" Charmaine laughed.

"Okay one more competition and we are in! We got this!" Travis said let go from the hug and patting her on the shoulder and left and her family was next.

"You did good niece!" Uncle Mike said.

"Thanks Uncle Mike." Charmaine smiled.

"That's my lucky Charm!" Chet said and hugged her daughter.

And they all just got into one big group hug.

"Okay so I have one more competition and if we win-" Charmaine said but got cut off.

"When you win!" Virna corrected with a warm smile on her face.

"When we win we will get invited to compete other tournaments." Charmaine explained.

"We are so proud of you!" Virna said.

"That was awesome Charm!" Shawn said.

"Thanks Shawn!" Charmaine said and hugged the little kid and messed with his hair.

Then came Jason alone.

No Eric.

"You did fantastic Charmaine." Jason smiled warmly.

"Thank you!" Charmaine smiled and hugged Jason.

"Thank you for being here too. It means a lot." Charmaine said whilst still in the hug.

"Of course I wouldn't miss it for the world." Jason quietly said.

"Are they dating?" Virna asked Shawn.

"They better not be." Shawn said.

"No of course not she's with that old Matthews kid right?" Chet asked.

"No definitely not." Shawn answered.

Chet and Virna both looked at each other knowing something the kids don't know yet.

"I'm sorry Eric wasn't here." Jason said.

"It's okay honestly i'm just glad your here." Charmaine said and they both finally pulled away from the hug.

"Wanna come over? We can listen to some music." Jason suggested.

Charmaine smiled and nodded and they both left.

What they didn't know was that Eric just got there and saw the two leaving.

His heart stung seeing them.

He then leaves and drops the flowers that was meant for Charmaine.


Authors note:

Idk how I feel abt this chapter tbh (unedited)

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