Chapter 1

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Midoriya's pov:

The day started like every other day. It is the last year of middle school, but it is still a living hell here.

Kacchan still torments me everyday. But today it is some one diffrent.

A pale man with black hair walks past me tripping me in the prosses I fell primary on my elbows since my hands were holding my textbooks for my next class.

"Oops! Sorry I didn't see you there!" The man called in a mocking tone as he stood beside me.

As I started to stand up the black haired man hit my books out of my hands.

"Oops! My hand slipped!" He said again in that same mocking tone of his.

I just picked up my things without saying a word to the boy.

"What to scared to even speak, nerd" the boy said in a more aggressive tone this time.

After I didn't respond and started to walk away the boy hit me in my back causing me to fall the the ground once more.

He continued to hit me while I was on the ground until the bell rang for the next class to begin.

Bakugo's pov:

I was walking to my next class when I heard I slight bang like someone had hit something. And it was in the direction he was headed towards.

I took a peek around the corner to see deku on the floor being beaten up by a black haired basterd. It made me upset but I didn't know why.

I was about to say something, but before I did. The two assholes that call me their friend appeared to walk to class with me.

"Hey Bakugo are you ready for class." One of them said.

"Yeah yeah lets just get going." I said in my usually snarky attitude.

"Alrighty then lets go." The other one of them said as he started to walk into the classroom.

"Yeah" I said quietly taking one last glance at deku.

(Time Skip)

(After school)

Still Bakugo's pov:

I had found the guy that had hit deku in the hallways earlier today. I had hit him into the wall behind the school. 

"HEY MAN WHAT THE HELL!" The pale man yelled at me.

I couldn't hear him though. I wouldn't. I don't want to hear a damn thing he has to say. 

I didn't know why though. I just felt angry ever since I saw deku on the floor getting hurt. And just seeing this guy's face made it worse.

"DON'T YOU EVER TOUCH DEKU AGAIN! GOT IT?" I yelled without even thinking. It just slipped out.

"But don't you bully him too?" the other man questioned.

I didn't even answer his question before punching him square in the face.

Midoriya's pov:

I heard someone yell deku which is the name kacchan gave me as a little kid. So without thinking I walked over to where I heard the name come from.

When I turned the corner I found kacchan beating up the person that was messing with me earlier.

"H-he is just a n-nerd why do you care about him so much?" Said the guy that was getting beaten. 

Afraid that he might have put himself in a grave with that comment. He put his hands in front of his face for defence.

But the punch he was waiting for was delayed by kacchan saying.


Then the punch came. 

I gasped and hid even more behind the wall. I slid down the wall to the point I was sitting. I got out my note book and wrote.

'Kacchan still cares.'

Bakugo's pov:

I heard a faint gasp after what I said before. I knew that someone was there and probably heard what I had said.

I drop the guy to the ground I walk over to the corner and see deku on the other side.

I saw him write something in his note book but he closed it to quickly for me to see what he wrote.

"What are you doing here nerd?" I said scaring him.

"Oh, right um mom said that you should come over today." He said.

"How long have you been there?" I questioned.

"Um only a few second. I just got here so..." He trailed off.

'Phew at least he didn't see me.' I thought.

"What does auntie want anyways?" I asked as we walk to the parent pick-up zone.

"I'm not sure." Answered deku as we arrived at auntie's car.

"Hi boys! How was your day at school?" Inko said enthusiastically.

"It was good, mom! How was your day?" Shot back the green haired boy.

"It was delightful thank you for asking, Zuzu." Auntie responded. Using the nickname she had for deku.

Izuku's pov:

'Why does she have to use that nickname' I thought.

Don't get me wrong I love my mother with all of my heart it's just that... The nickname is kind of embarrassing even if it is just around my childhood best friend.

"So is there any reason you wanted me to come over?" Kacchan asked.

"Not really I just thought it would be fun to have you over for diner!" Mom answered excitedly.

"Oh yeah mom what are we having for diner?" I asked.

"Jie sushi." She simply replied.

We arrived at my house after about 15 minutes of awkward silence in the car.

When we got inside I realised auntie aka kaccahn's mom was sitting on our couch.

"Oh! Hi auntie!" I said walking into the living room.

Two seconds later I get a huge bear hug that took all the air out of my lungs.(The song mercy by Shawn mendes just played in my head while writing this idk why)

When we sat down for diner auntie gave us so many questions about school, relationships, ext.

We spent all the time during diner talking well... Mom and auntie asking questions and me and kacchan trying to avoid them.

When kacchan and I were done eating mom told us to go up stairs to my room.

We didn't do much up there. We mostly sat in silence. I never told kacchan I heard what he said and he never brought it up. So that was that. 




Thank you for reading chapter one. This is my first story so if you have any comments or suggestions that is greatly appreciated. I will reply to them the best I can. Yet again thank you for reading.

(1026 words)

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