♩Chapter 9 ♩

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A Day Later

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A Day Later....

"You're going to do just fine. Stop pacing."

"How can I when my dreams could either come true or be crush in about an hour?!" Jihoon questioned as he continued to pace even faster throughout his apartment.

"Hey, hey, look at me." Soonyoung instructed as he placed his hands gently onto the shorter's shoulders. Jihoon took a breathe and looked Soonyoung in the eyes. "You're going to do great, I believe in you. I always have." Soonyoung stated with sincere before pulling the other into his embrace.

Jihoon sighed and melted into the other's warm embrace and wrapped his arms around the other's neck. "Thanks Soons." Jihoon breathed out as they continued to hug for a bit more. "Why are we standing around? We have an addition to get to." Soonyoung said as he pulled out of the hug. Jihoon laughed and checked to make sure he had everything he needed.

"Ready to go?" Soonyoung asked as he went to open the door. "I guess." Jihoon huffed out as he headed out the door, the older right behind him.

"I can't do this, I can't do this, I can't-"

"Jihoon!" Soonyoung called out as he placed his hand on the younger's shaking thigh. "You got this, I know you got this." Soonyoung reassured as he looked Jihoon dead in the eyes. Jihoon stared at Soonyoung for a few seconds before a small smile broke out on his face.

"Thank you Soons for believing in me." Jihoon thanked the older for the second time that day and placed his own hand over Soonyoung's bigger one. "Jihoon?" A middled age lady called as she stepped out of the office.

Jihoon sighed as he stood up and dusted himself off. He took another sigh and looked at Soonyoung who watched him with careful eyes. "Want me to come in with you?" Soonyoung asked and received a short nod from the other.

Soonyoung lightly chuckled and stood up, walking into his father's office with Jihoon behind him. "Hey dad." Soonyoung greeted shortly as Jihoon bowed respectfully to the older male sitting in his office chair. "Good afternoon sir." Jihoon greeted as he stood there nervously.

"Good afternoon Jihoon, you can start playing whenever you're ready." Mr. Kwon said as he gestured towards the piano placed in the room. Jihoon took another deep sigh and made his way over to the piano. He sat down and look up to see Soonyoung giving him two thumbs up and a smile.

Jihoon slightly smiled before cracking his fingers and gently placing them on the piano to begin playing the melody.

I still can't control it
Please don't play with me
Why are you putting up a front
No, no, no

Jihoon sung as he gracefully danced his fingers along the piano.

So what, I'm trying to say is
I want to know everything about you
I'll sing for you uhoo
I'll sing for you uhoo

Jihoon continued to sing and slowly started to sway to the music until he was finished. It was silent as Jihoon opened his eyes and looked at Mr. Kwon with nervous anticipation. "That was beautiful Jihoon." Mr. Kwon stated as he stood up.

A soft smile grew on the shorter's lips as he stood up and bowed to the older male. "There will be a letter sent out to you in about four to five days regarding whether or not you pass." Mr. Kwon explained as he led his son and Jihoon towards his office door.

"But I'm sure you won't be needing the letter." Mr. Kwon said before closing the door. "W-what does that mean?" Jihoon stuttered out as he looked up towards Soonyoung, his anxiety growing.

"It means we buy cake!" Soonyoung exclaimed as he grabbed hold of Jihoon's hand ran for the elevator.

Four days later....

"Oh Jihoon~" Soonyoung called out as he entered the younger's apartment. "If it's another stupid tiger I'm throwing it out the window." Jihoon remarked as he came up to Soonyoung with his hands on his hips. "Hey! My tigers aren't stupid!" Soonyoung pouted and Jihoon just gave him an 'are you for real?' expression.

"Anyways, look what came in today." Soonyoung singsong as he lightly shook the letter he had in his hands. Jihoon's eyes lit up as a small gasped escape his mouth. "Really?..." he breathed out and Soonyoung nodded and handed the letter over. Jihoon ripped it open with impatience and scanned the paper that was inside.

Dear Jihoon, I am proud to announce you passing our addition and would like for you to join us and our company as one of our artists.

"Congratulations Hoon!" Soonyoung exclaimed as he tackled the other into a hug. "Thank you Soons, for believing in me on this journey. I always dreamed of this happening!" Jihoon exclaimed as he hugged the older tighter.

"Aren't you happy that I came up to you at that cafe?" Soonyoung asked and felt a nod against his shoulder which made a smile spread across his face. "Thank you again Soons." Jihoon said as he placed a kiss onto Soonyoung's lips.

This is probably the most longest chapter for this book. But I hope that you enjoyed it because we have one last chapter before this book is done.

I'm honestly going to miss this book, but it's ok because it'll just be another one of my accomplishments!!! And I can totally just reread my own book, I can do that, right? Or would it be weird?

Anywho, that's all for this chapter

I hope you enjoy this chapter

I hope you are doing well, eating correctly and drinking water and staying healthy.

Anyways, vote, comment, and follow if you want to. Good morning, night, or afternoon love you <3

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