FYI: I dont fell like this but this is for my friends that do.... hope it helps.....
my family hates me
I get called horrible things by them
they fight all the time
I fell loke im indivisible
nonthing in this house works for me.
my friends...
what friends
I have no friends
they all hate me too
I get tormented
my "friends" yeah there back stabers
I cry because of them.
every night when I try to sleep
I cry
cry is all I do
I do the three c's
they dont help..
but sometimes
and I mean some times...
I really want to belive that they do.
I want to belive that it will get better
I want to belive that my family ...
that they wont torment me aneymore
that my friends wont hurt me
and my teachers wont treat me like dirt
I want to belive that ill get a boyfriend
that a boy will like me.
but than there are thoes days where I do think life will turn out ok
life will be great
and ill stop
stop vomiting
and CARE
I dont care aneymore wht people think
I am me and thats it
K im done here
I know excally what I am doning here!!