Before i get started I just need to clear some things up. my name is Emily prance i am an only child and my Prentice want to move to Africa. I know kind of a bummer right, but I'm 17 now and i don't want to leave my friends so i begged and begged my mum and dad to let me stay at my friends for the rest of my Senior year, then i have to go live with them. ugh. i wouldn't say i was i goodie goodie but hay, ho that's what everybody calls me. well I'm getting side track, my aim was to tell you... 1) good girls shouldn't mess with bad boys, it never works. 2) always take risks in life. and 3) I'm not a goodie goodie i just like to play it safe. oh and one more thing I'm starting my story when i have just walked into my friends house, to live i mean.