Nightly Drive

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This happens before Season 6


"Since Cleve Kelso, Rafaela, and others we have thrown into prison have broken out, we can't find them. Our Intel says that its possible they're hiding in some warehouse in Death Valley. I'm sending all of you there to confirm the Intel and to arrest these criminals again!"

That's what Mrs. Nowhere said before she shipped the team off to the middle of nowhere, with Shashi with them. As the team unloaded their cars from the hauler, they discussed how they would go about the mission.

"I think we should just storm in there!" Cisco said, punching the air as Shashi rolled his eyes at him.

"Oh yeah, brute force always works." Shashi said, receiving a glare from Cisco to shut up. Shashi smirked at him with a winning grin.

"No way. We should sneak in there and see what they're up to." Echo suggested, shooting Cisco's idea down.

"What do you think Layla? Do you have a good idea on what kind of approach we should take?" Great. Echo was now bringing Layla into their discussion. She wanted to stay out of it as best as she can.

"Well, both ideas sound fine. We'd surprise them with Cisco's idea, but we would find out what they are planning with Echo's idea." Layla said as she looked over at Tony, who was working on something in his car. He hadn't said anything almost the entire trip and didn't look like he was in a good mood, but if Layla was going to be dragged in this conversation, she'd take Tony with her. "What do you think Toretto?"

"In my opinion, we should just camp out the warehouse in our cars. Night is almost here, so they won't see our cars and they'll probably be expecting us anyway." Tony gave his opinion, not looking away from whatever he was working on.

The rest of the team stared at him in disbelief. Did Tony Toretto just give a smart idea without thinking too much about it?

"That's actually a good idea, T." Echo breathed out after a few moments of silence.

Tony glanced at her and shrugged. He was definitely not in the talking mood today.

"We should split up then into groups so they can't spot us easily. Frostee and Cisco will stay together while Tony and Layla go together. Shashi will be with me. This way we can cover all sides of the warehouse." Echo gave another suggestion, which the rest of the crew agreed too.

My car is white anyway; it'll be easy to see in the dark while Tony's is blackish purple. Layla thought to herself as she put her car back into the hauler.

Cisco, Frostee, Echo and Shashi were already in their cars, ready to go when Layla walked out of the hauler. Tony shut the hood of his car when he noticed Layla.

"Ready?" Tony asked, a hint of annoyance in his voice.

"Sure." Layla replied as they got into his car. The three cars took off towards Telescope Peaks, where the warehouse was supposed to be.

Layla felt awkward as they drove down the road. After what happened between her and Tony after they saved Mexico, and when Shashi called him jealous, things have just been weird between them. Layla has been trying to get out of situations where she and Tony would be alone together, but she couldn't get out of it this time. But maybe it was time for her and Tony to talk about it. They had been dancing around each other for months now anyway.

Layla looked over at Tony. He had his one hand on the wheel and one resting on the gear shift. He looked distant as he drove down the road. "Tony?"

Tony blinked a few times before humming in response.

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