County Fair

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Layla's POV

"Where's Toretto? I thought he would meet us here." Layla complained as she looked around the parking lot.

The crew had agreed that they would go to the county fair together while they were in Texas for a mission. Mainly just to get away from Miss Nowhere.

"Tony mentioned something about his friends being in Texas for a little break." Echo explained, looking off towards the highway. Layla still thought Tony would've been there by now.

"Still, I wish he would hurry up. He's a racer for god's sakes. He's meant for speed." Layla continued complaining, rolling her eyes. She meant it too. Tony was built for speed and didn't like it when others were slow.

Part of the reason Layla was being so impatient was because she hadn't been to a county fair since she lived in Texas with her dad. She was excited to go again after all the years.

"Chill, Layla. We've only been here for 10 minutes. The fair's not going anywhere." Cisco tried to get Layla to stop giving Tony so much grief for not being on time, but she just glared at him.

Finally, they saw what might have been Tony's car pull into the parking lot. Layla glared at the car, making sure it was indeed Tony. All of them looked in Tony's direction as they heard yelling.

"What did you say to me, Jackass?"

"You heard what I said!"

Tony, another guy, and a girl walked up to the group.

"Max, maybe we should go and leave Tony with his friends." The girl suggested, looking at the rest of the team.

"Fine. See ya, single loser."

Tony wasn't facing the couple, but Layla could see the massive annoyance on Tony's face. "Gina, would you mind telling your jackass boyfriend at least I'm not here for sensual interactions?"

In the colorful lights from the fair, Layla could see both Gina and Max's face turn incredibly red as they looked back at Tony.

"What did you say?!" Max started stomping back to Tony, but Gina was trying to stop him.

"Come on, Max. It's not worth it."

Max made it to Tony and glared at him, Tony having a smug grin on his face. Max sighed in defeat as he looked back at his girlfriend. "Fine."

The two turned back around, but before Max took a step, Tony smacked his back. "Enjoy your date."

"Thanks, you bastard." Max smiled back at Tony before taking Gina's hand and walking into the fair.

A moment passed before Layla looked at Tony. He was not in the same outfit he always wore. His hair was messy. He was wearing a blue shirt underneath a checkered black, short-sleeved flannel. A silver chain was hanging around his neck.

"Dang, he needs to wear something different more often. He looks-" Layla stopped her thought. She realized that she was thinking about something she didn't need to think and was staring at Tony.

Tony lifted an eyebrow and looked at her puzzled. "Whatcha looking at?"

Layla could hear some of the Texas accent seeping into his voice, making it harder for Layla not to blush. "Nothing. I've just never seen you wearing anything else besides that old, black shirt of yours."

"Oh yeah. I've been meaning to wear this, but it got shoved so far into my dresser that I forgot about it until I was packing for this mission. Do I look decent in it?"

Tony started messing with the flannel, adjusting it. Layla had to admit though, Tony looked good in the flannel.

"You look fine, Toretto. Don't worry about it. And-" Layla paused for a moment, thinking about how to word her next sentence. "You should listen to yourself some. Someone might think you're Texan if they heard you."

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