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CASSIE DREADED GOING DOWN TO BREAKFAST THE FOLLOWING DAY as she knew her father ( if she could call him that ) would be down in the Great Hall, no doubt drinking a cup of hot chocolate

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CASSIE DREADED GOING DOWN TO BREAKFAST THE FOLLOWING DAY as she knew her father ( if she could call him that ) would be down in the Great Hall, no doubt drinking a cup of hot chocolate. Wait, did he even drink hot chocolate anymore? Cassie didn't know him, she hadn't known him for the last five years. She was eight when he left, there were so many things different about her from then to now, so many things different about all of them. The main thing that had changed was the love they once had for Remus, that love had turned to hate.

Cassie was the child that had hope for the longest, while they all lost hope of him ever returning into their lives six months after he had left, Cassie had hope until he had been gone for a year. Every night, she would stare out her window, hoping to see a silhouette -- his silhouette -- approaching the house. Of course, that never happened.

Anxiously, Cassie entered the Great Hall, ignoring Cedric who was with all of his friends, and went straight to Aurora. Aurora was the eldest of all Smith siblings, and she always took care of them when their mother had gone out shopping. Aurora was the glue to the family, the one that kept them all sane.

Immediately, Aurora wrapped her arms around Cassie. Cassie always struggled to hide her emotions, she wore her heart on her sleeve and anyone, by one look, could tell what she was feeling. Whether that was happy, angry, anxious, annoyed, sad, anything.

"Did you sleep alright?" Aurora asked, already knowing her answer. Cassie had bags under her eyes that were very visible, and her lips were chapped ever-so-slightly.

Instead of answering Aurora's question, Cassie replied with a question of her own, "Can you obliviate me? I don't want any memory of him, please." Cassie looked up at her sister with pleading eyes, her bottom lip poking out.

"Cass," Aurora said softly, as Fred and George strolled into the Great Hall, laughing to themselves. "Your memories with dad are your favourite memories, I'm not removing them from you."

Cassie glared at Aurora, "Don't call him dad, he don't deserve that title," She snapped, "And they were my favourite memories, until he left with no explanation."

Aurora sighed, pulling Cassie into another hug, watching Rowan glare up at the staff table, no doubt narrowing his eyes at their father. Remus deserved it, he knew he did, but that didn't help the sting and hurt he felt when he spotted his own son glaring at him. He should've stayed. He knew he should've, but he just couldn't.

Callie groaned, sitting herself opposite her sisters as Harry sat next to her, Ron sat next to Harry and Hermione sat next to Callie. Cassie went quiet, she knew Harry, Ron and Hermione, but she didn't know them. She straightened herself up, and looked down at her lap.

"Hey, Cass," Callie said, handing her a piece of chocolate across the table. "I figured you wouldn't sleep well, so I brought you down some chocolate."

Rowan, watching this exchange, went up to the table and sat next to Cassie. "I didn't sleep well, either, Cal," He said, faking a yawn, "Do you think I could possibly have some chocolate, too?" Rowan looked wide awake, but he was doing a good job at acting tired.

Cassie and Aurora looked at their brother in amusement, while Callie rolled her eyes. She knew he slept perfectly fine, but, nevertheless, she still passed him a piece of chocolate. He munched on it with a grin, before walking back over to Luna and Padma.

"Psst, Potter, Potter," came a shout from behind Harry. Callie immediately rolled her eyes, Draco Malfoy. As all kids looked over at Draco, he pretended to faint.

"Ignore him," Hermione muttered to Harry as Aurora narrowed her eyes at the Slytherins. "He's not worth it,"

Everyone agreed with that statement, Malfoy was not worth it, even more-so that he was absolutely obsessed with Azalea, despite the girl being a half-blood. That just made Malfoy even more disliked by the rest of the Smith siblings.

Azalea was their sister, but she was more like their enemy. She made fun of them constantly, and her favourite target was Cassie. Cassie was the sweetest one, the most innocent one, therefore Azalea found it easy to make fun of her.

"Hey, Potter!" shrieked Pansy Parkinson. Pansy never targeted Cassie, or any of the Smith's, but she knew exactly how to get on their nerves. "The dementors are coming, Potter. Woooooooo!"

Callie turned around, her eyes narrowing, "Don't freak out or anything, Parkinson, but your pack of pugs are coming."

Pansy quietened down, the tip of her ears turning red.

The twins arrived, and handed out the third year's schedules, "New third year course schedules," George said, passing the last one to Cassie, "What's up with you, Harry?"

Ron took a bite of toast, "Malfoy," He said, gesturing to the boy who was sat next to Azalea, all Slytherin's laughing at Harry.

Cassie leaned her head on Aurora's shoulder, feeling extremely tired. She could feel eyes on her from the staff table, but she didn't look over. She knew it was Remus, she did not want to make eye contact with him.

"That little git," George said calmly, glancing at Fred, Aurora and Cassie. "He wasn't so cocky last night when the dementors were down at our end of the train. Came running into our compartment, didn't he, guys?"

"Nearly wet himself," said Fred.

Cassie looked over at Fred, "Pretty sure he did wet himself," She told him, her voice quiet as she ignored the curious stares she was getting off Harry, Ron and Hermione. The three had always wanted to know Cassie better than what they did, she was intriguing, especially to Harry. However, they heard off Callie that she was rather anxious and shy, so they decided to never speak to her unless she spoke to them.

Aurora pursed her lips to hide her grin, "That was because you hit him with a toilet seat," She said, taking a sip of her pumpkin juice.

Cassie frowned, "I thought he was one of those dementor things," she muttered, staring at her breakfast, not feeling so hungry. Her hair turned a light pink in embarrassment.

"It's okay," Harry spoke up, watching Cassie's face fall as she tried to hide the colour her hair had turned. Cassie glanced over at him. "I'd mistake him for a dementor, too."

Knowing this was Harry trying to cheer Cassie up, Callie hid her smile. Cassie let a small smile form on her face, no longer feeling embarrassed. She took a bite of her toast, ignoring Aurora's look on her face.

"Where did she even get a toilet seat, anyway?" Hermione asked Aurora.

"Fred," George and Aurora replied in sync, as Cassie looked at her timetable. It was the same as Callie's, the twins had begged Dumbledore at the start of first year to put her in with the Gryffindor's, so she had one person she could talk to.

Cassie had Divination first, which she knew was a long walk. "Want to get going?" Callie asked, seeing the look on her sister's face. Cassie hated being the last to turn up to a lesson, because when she would enter, people would stare and she hated it.

Cassie nodded, "Yeah," she started to rush off.

"Catch you guys in a bit," Callie nodded to Hermione, Ron and Harry, and caught up with her sister. "Divination, here we come."

A/N: tbh guys, i like this fic
QOTD: fav harry potter movie?
AOTD: prisoner of azkaban

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