Chapter 1

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Sakura's POV

"Alright baby, this was your last bag" sasori said throwing off a pink Victoria secret bag off his shoulder only for it land on the concrete floor of his apartments driveway.

"Thanks, babe," I replied, smiling at him. "I can't believe we're finally starting college. It feels like we've been waiting for this day forever."

Ino chimed in, "I know, right? I'm so excited to meet new people and learn new things. And maybe even find a cute guy to date!" She says digging in her purse

"Ino hush you have a boyfriend."

Ino stoped digging in her bag to look at me, "Who? Because no I don't."

"Ino, your literally dating my boyfriend's best friend what was his name again...diedera."

"It's Deidara, and Please that short shrimp dick fucker can kiss my ass. We broke up because he got mad I left him delivered ...oh well boy... I was sleep beside he was toxic anyways."

I shook my head, "y'all broke up because of you left on him delivered... that's childish as hell but hey that's your relationship not mine."

Ino nodded, "And we did, he stay thinking I'm the one to be played with, sasori your best friend need help watch him because I'm not the one I'll replace him so quick with some one who wants me for real."

Sasori jokingly rolled his eyes and I laughed, picking up my bag off the floor to place it in the trunk. "I swear both of you guys are a mess."

"No, he's a mess, I'm well put together like a lego set." Ino said going back to her purse

I laughed even harder. My face getting red, "You know what bitch let's go because I can't fool with no more we got people waiting on us."

Ino and I finished getting out sacks for the road and made our way into the car and I said my goodbyes to my boyfriend Sasori via phone call. Promising him I'll FaceTime him when I get settled in. We climbed into the car and started the two-hour drive to konoha.

"I'm so proud us Girl, because look at us, we made it through high school and now were on our way to college."

I sighed, "I just hope I made the right decision by coming back to California for college, I mean I'm leaving sasori for 3 whole years."

"Sakura, see that's your problem, you're always overthinking about shit that's doesn't need to be overthunked."

I laughed at ino, " not a word but okay."

She grinned, "it is my vocabulary but... Okay."

"Well pig, your vocabulary isn't justified."

Ino rolled her blue orbs and look out her phone, "I'm connecting to the Bluetooth."

"please don't play no lame shit in my car or I'm jumping out this driver side window." I joked

I heard her dramatically gasped. Her hand holding her heart, I giggled at my best friends drama Queenness.

"Excuse me, but I listen to everybody you listen too so don't come for me if I didn't send for you okay boo." She says scrolling threw her phone trying to find a song.

She was right most of the songs she did play I knew. I sung and rapped all the parts of a Akatsuki song, then she played a song I never heard before. "Hey pig who is this?."

"Who is who?." She said looking at me

"This dude singing I've never heard him before."

Ino looked at me like I was crazy, "forehead. your not serious are you?."

𝙎𝘼𝙎𝙐𝙎𝘼𝙆𝙐: 𝘾𝙖𝙢𝙥𝙪𝙨 𝘾𝙤𝙣𝙣𝙚𝙘𝙩𝙞𝙤𝙣Where stories live. Discover now