Ep.1: Josh x Juicy 🔥

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3rd POV:

Juicy woke up barely remembering a thing, even thinking he had slept at Mullys place overnight. He soon realized he hadn't quite slept there overnight yet, only until around 2 am. Juicy, Mully, and Narrator all stayed up until 12 am drinking at Mullys place and planned to stay overnight as well.  A text notification from Josh woke Juicy up. It reads: "You still up?". Juicy, confused and drunk, reads the text and mumbles "J-Joshy..?". He picks up his phone and types back, "yxah?? e muss yoe josey.."  (yeah?? I miss you Joshy.. HE'S DRUNK).

Josh replies "You're drunk, aren't you.. you're lucky I can translate drunk texting. You can come over if you want but DONT drive, i only live a block away" Juicy, in an attempt to read, squints at the phone screen, "too many words..". He could make out some of it, which lets him know he can come over. "I miss my Joshy.." Juicy says, getting up and putting a jacket on. Then he walks out the door. A few minutes later he arrives at Josh's house and doesn't bother knocking since Josh already knew he was coming over.

"Ugh.. I'm fukkin hungry". Josh says, standing up from his gaming chair, only to look down and notice a huge bulge. He didn't even realize he had a boner until he saw it, he didn't feel horny. The first thing he thought of when he looked down is Juicy. "Ughh get out of my heeeaad!". After thinking about Juicy, he realized Juicy could walk in any second now. He had no time to get rid of his bulge without Juicy walking in on him. He would have to hide it. 

Josh heard the door shut and realized Juicy is here. How would he hide it?? The first thing he thought of was climbing into bed and hiding it with a pillow, so that's what he did. Juicy walked into his bedroom slowly, looking around the room, seeking Josh. Juicy, being drunk, expected him to be in the gaming chair so he didn't even see him on the bed. "Joshyyyy..!" he said, pouting. He walked into the room and closed the door. "Joshy.." he cried out, sinking into the corner of his room, actually starting to cry. As tears swell his eyes he looked up and saw Josh laying on the bed. 

After finally noticing him, he gets up and walks over to the bed, and lays behind him, wrapping his arm around Josh's waist. Josh noticed Juicy was rubbing his inner thighs, and though he was highly pleasured by it, he had to stop Juicy. "W-what are you doing? Would y-you not??". "Shhh.. you know you like it Joshy~". Josh sat up, removing Juicys hand from his thighs "You're j-just drunk Juicy, get it together" Juicy put his hand back, rubbing harder than before. Josh let out a groan, and his bulge became much more visible, and even drunk Juicy noticed it. "Ngh.. Stop d-daddy~!" Josh got hot as he realized what he just said. Juicy's hand stopped rubbing Josh's thigh and started caressing his crotch instead. "Call me that again Joshy~" Juicy slipped his hand into Josh's sweatpants, forcing Josh to let out a moan of pleasure, "Ahhh!!" Josh felt himself getting harder. Juicy began stroking Josh roughly, getting faster with every stroke, "I said... Call me that.. Again!" Juicy began pumping Josh's cock in wonderous ways, "A-AHH~" Josh realized what was actually happening, His drunk best friend, which has a girlfriend, was sexually pleasuring him. For some reason, it made Josh feel guilty. 

Josh's POV:

Am i.. using my best friend for sexual pleasure because he's drunk? Is this wrong? What am i doing.. "J-Juicy please.. stop, y-you're drunk!" I know he's drunk, I know he doesn't like me the way I like him, and I know if we do things tonight he's going to regret it tomorrow. He isn't stopping, he just keeps rubbing me harder and harder and it feels.. so good. I don't even care how he sees me tomorrow, if this is happening then I'm gonna make the best of it.. "Daddy~"

3rd POV:

Josh let go of his guilt and began to play dirty with Juicy. He grabs Juicys chin and kissed him, which soon lead to making out. Josh pulls Juicy on top of himself, bouncing Juicy on his lap. Juicys bulge shows and starts rubbing against Josh's, making them both ground with pleasure. Juicy takes back his dominance, leaving bite marks and hickeys on Josh's neck, and starts undressing himself and Josh, starting with Josh's shirt. Then his own shirt, and his pants, and lastly taking off Josh's pants and boxers to give him a good ol' bj.


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⏰ Last updated: Jun 23, 2023 ⏰

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