Chapter 1

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My name is y/n. I'm a completely normal student at PK Academy. Well, that was until a week ago when I developed an awful fever and alongside it, physic powers. At first, I thought I was just sick but after the fever broke I noticed something was different. Things would float towards me, I would wake up in places I had only seen on tv or in magazines, and worst of all, I could hear every thought that the people around me were thinking. It was terrible and constant. There was never a moment of silence in my head, it was unbearable. I took off a week of school but my parents wouldn't let me continue on that track. So here I am, at the gate of my school after a week with a throbbing headache and superhuman abilities.

'I am so gonna fail this test!!!'

'Aughhh, I hate this school so much!!!'

It was hard to make out certain thoughts in the mess of words. Most times I would only hear random sentences from random people but if I focused I could listen in on specific people.

I was practically dragging my body through the school, it had gotten so hard to sleep with the constant noise and that fever really knocked me down a peg. I was nearly at the door to my class when a hand landed on my shoulder.

"Hey kid, it's good to have you back." My gym teacher Matsuzaki was greeting me in the halls, to be honest he's probably one of the only people who noticed I was gone. I gave him an awkward nod but I couldn't clear my head to say anything.

"Ah, still recovering from your fever?" I nod again. This time he tells me to take care and continues down the hall. I feel awful, I'm so distracted that I can barely get to my desk.

Before anything else can happen I see one of my classmates walk in but he's different, I can't hear his thoughts. Suddenly, he turns, locks eyes with me and a shock runs through my entire body. Clearly, he's surprised too but in just a moment he's back to normal and sitting at his desk across the room.

What is this? Why can't I read his mind? Is he... like me? It's even harder to focus with these ideas running through my head. I don't catch myself staring at him intensely until he shoots me a glare back. I nearly jump out of my seat and quickly attempt to throw my focus into my class work. All my worrying and distraction make class pass by faster than normal and before I know it the lunch bell is ringing.

I nearly fall out of my chair trying to escape that suffocating room. The roof has been my ideal spot for peace and quiet since I started highschool. Even now, when my head is never clear, I find myself eating lunch up there. My classmate, I don't even remember his name, is definitely something special.

That look he gave me... He must know something's up. But does he know about my abilities or am I looking too far into it? I'm distracted again when the door to the roof swings open. There he is. A strange pink-haired boy with green glasses and large hair clips. I stand up immediately but I can't bring myself to talk. Thankfully, he does that for me, without moving his mouth??

'What are you?' The voice rings clears in my head, cutting through all the other nonsense.

I open my mouth but find that I don't need to. It's like someone is reaching out mentally and grabbing hold of me. He isn't in my mind and I'm not in his. It's more of a shared open space between us where we can speak. I've never felt anything like it before.

'Honestly, I don't know. But I think we're the same?' It's easy to talk again, I feel relieved. This connection we have is the first good thing that's happened to me in awhile. He huffs a little and leans against the wall. Without him talking in my mind, I'm overwhelmed by the noise again. I furrow my brow and bring a hand up to my temple. He looks over to me, examining my face then raising a brow.

'It's just loud. So many voices all at once, and I can't block any of them out.'

'Hm. Strange. I guess I'm so used to it that it doesn't bother me.'

'Huh? How long have you had your powers?'

'Since birth.'

Since birth? That must be why he's so well adapted. Have I really been going to school with a physic? My shock is evident on my face and he reluctantly explains.

'I keep them hidden. It's too dangerous if people know.'

'How do you manage that? I can barely even keep from pacing out...'

'A lot of practice. When did you get your powers?'

'Just last week...'

'That's why I didn't notice till now.'

I explain what little I know of my abilities and how I developed them. He seems deep in thought the entire time.

'I'll have to teach you to control them.'

I glance up at him and he stares back blankly. He could help me handle this. I wouldn't be alone finally. But could he really help? I'm a mess and my powers are dangerous. As if he understands what I'm thinking, he interrupts my train of thought again.

'I had the same problems when I was younger. If you don't tame them now they'll grow worse and you could hurt someone.'

'Alright. Thank you. I'm y/n by the way.'


He doesn't say another word but we exchange numbers and eat lunch together. I feel more comfortable already, as if he would sense any difficulties with my powers and help me out.

On the way to my next class, I recount my weird interactions with my classmate Saiki. For the first time in weeks, I feel hopeful. Maybe this is something I can control.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 23, 2023 ⏰

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