The University [pt.1]

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Y/N's Pov:

Beep~ Beep~
My alarm goes off. I lazily reached my hand to turn it off with a pissed mood. I looked at the time. ' 6.45 am' it showed. I yawn last time and got up. It was my first day at the university. I am so nervous to be honest. Of course it's my first time in different country and I'm not an high school student any more I am an University student. And I was scared that I'll make any good friends or not? Will my first impression on the students and teachers be good? Will I be able to cope up the atmosphere there? Aish I think I am thinking a lot. It's ok. Everything will be ok. No worries. Just be confident.
FIGHTING!! Yeah that's what koreans say to be confident right!? Anyways...

I got out of the bathroom and got dressed neatly and wore a bit of makeup to look good. To be honest i really don't like wear makeup but it's just to be good as I have heard that korea have super high standard of beauty. Atleast I should be good enough right?

I looked last time in the mirror to check if I was looking okay.

"I looked pretty good" I said to myself

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"I looked pretty good" I said to myself. I took my bag and left my room it was 7.30 am. I still have a lot of time for the classes to start. And my apartment is just 10 minutes away from university. But I decided to leave and reach there early to just roam the campus and get to know where my class is so that it would be easy for me from tomorrow.

I came to the living room. I was about to leave until I saw that, Yoongi was sleeping on the couch. The t.v. was still on, it displays weird channels. I took the remote and turned off the t.v. first. He woke up due to silence. He looked so cute to be honest, he actually looked like an innocent kitten that just woke up from it's sleep.

 He looked so cute to be honest, he actually looked like an innocent kitten that just woke up from it's sleep

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He looked here and there, then his eyes landed on me. "What? Why are staring at me like that? Do I look like a fool here? Huh?" He said in annoyance. Wow! He just woke up and soon started to talk in his rude way. What ever. " Don't you have to go your university huh? Look at time boy". I said rolling my eyes. " I know. I just slept late at night". He replied. "So... Is that my problem? Get your ass up now!" I said in his way. To be honest I instantly regretted my words, but he did that too right? Then what's wrong I did that too. " Ok then, bye I'm leaving". I said and left.

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