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words like 'this' are not spoken physically

reader y/n


König father was a passionate fisherman, often bring him the coast to fish, sometimes to work. 

His mother is a marine biologist, studying the living in the ocean. It wasn't surprising König would end up a job relate to ocean.

He end up being a fisherman like his father, he move out living somewhere near the ocean.

König likes the sound of wave crashing, listening them off work at home, cause of the lack of interaction with people he would just talk to fishes he had in his fish tank, often would go out the beach nearby to relax.


It was a bright sunny day, great day to fish. König and his few members set off sail to the fishing spot.

They locate a group of fish and throw the net over the water, drive a long hoping to catch some good fish to sell, repeating this progress.

Is always exciting on how much fish they will get, sometimes disappointments too but that's the way of their work.

_mean while under water_

A create swimming freely under the ocean, not fish or human but a combination of both. A long tail cover with shiny (color) scales.

You guess it. Mermaid. They have webbed hands like duck feet, ear fins having enchant hearing, fins on their arms making them fast in water.

Their iris is based on their genetic parents but sclera are all somewhat in between dark and light grey, skin tone is paler than humans.

They have fangs too, making their prey hard to escape.

But what's unique is how they communicate, they have a mouth but they can't speak, they use telepathy.

So, what can their mouth do other they catching prey? Well, making sounds, cries, scream etc.

y/n is a male so we call it merman, he was an exotic species that live for a very long time, their exitance is a myth because they've hidden so well.

There were many of them before but now because of human pollution their food and rescores, even homes were destroyed. Once united now separated, living in difference places scattered across the ocean.

Y/n's parents sadly all passed away, leaving him all alone, through times he searches caves to stay overnight, food to stay alive. 

Wanting to have a place he could stay forever. 

After years of searching, he settles in an area as his home, that home happens to be where König and his crew be fishing.

Y/n was just food hunting and picking sea weeds for his lunch, marine life were his friends, he can understand them. In fact, it was them that help him pass his childhood.

While y/n was distracted playing with a crab, the net König thew earlier was coming after him. 

Being to late to react he was caught in it, terrified and confuse why there's such things here, he tried to wiggle but the force of the boat moving was pressing him down, fish was trapped with him too. 


The boat stops "alright let's see what we got" one König's team said, together with König they roll up the net, fish pour into the storage like waterfall, about half way the guy was call away by the captain "sorry König will be right back, the old man just won't shut up" 

König x Male reader Oneshots👑Where stories live. Discover now