Chapter 1: Unexpected Visitors

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It was a hot Summer, but thankfully it was more than half over.  Open windows let the cooler but muggy evening air into the Longbottom's parlor which was clean, but as worn and cluttered-looking as ever.  The threadbare furniture was draped in blankets, and the walls were lined with curio cabinets filled with trinkets and collectibles.

Neville Longbottom was laying across the couch with his latest copy of the ''Quibbler'' abandoned on his chest.  A typical position for him, and it caused his hair in the back to perpetually stick up.  He also had the habit of flattening his hair in the front to cover a lightning-shaped scar on his forehead.  Having recently turned fifteen his round face made him look young for his age, but he was getting thinner as he grew. 

Napping on his lap was Roody, a House-Elf who was his childhood best friend and who Neville thought of as a brother.  Roody's small stature, large eyes, pointed nose and batwing-like ears were typical of a House-Elf.  He had refused to let Neville out of his sight all Summer, even sleeping in his room so he could be there when Neville woke up with nightmares.  He had witnessed the death of a friend, but thankfully the nightmares were happening less often than when the Summer began.

Neville's Gran was engaging in her favorite activity, sitting in her favorite rocking chair and reading a copy of the ''Daily Prophet'' newspaper.  She especially enjoyed when Neville asked questions about the stories, but lately that was complicated.  Since the end of last school year there had been a stream of articles about what happened at Hogwarts and the Little Winging Cemetery.  Even the accurate ones were difficult to read, but most were inaccurate or downright despicable.

"Still no articles by Rita?" Neville asked.

"No, and it's quite odd," Gran mused, "this is exactly the sort of thing that she was drawn to."

Rita Skeeter was a frequent writer for the 'Daily Prophet', and yet she had written nothing all Summer. Neville knew better than to ask about anything else, but he tried to sound like he was asking out of habit.  "Anything new being reported?"

"I wish you wouldn't keep asking," Gran said, sounding tired.  "It can't be good for you to keep thinking about it."

"Sorry, Gran," he sighed, "I'll just read it later then."

Gran folded the newspaper in her lap.  "Why would you do that to yourself?"

"Because it happened, Gran," he was trying to stay calm about it, but agreeing with her about everything wasn't helping.  "Cedric was murdered, Voldemort is back, and I want to know if they're finally starting to tell the truth about it all."

Neville was scared of how she might react because he rarely talked back, and was never this forward with her.  Gran sat gape-mouthed, but before she could respond there was a knock at the door.

Roody startled awake, so Nevile slid out from under him and went to answer the door.  Last year Dumbledore, himself, had come to visit him.  As a result, Neville was all the more surprised to find it was Dumbledore again.

He invited Dumbledore in to have a seat, and Neville pulled a chair in from the kitchen so Dumbledore and Roody could use the couch. Dumbledore was just finishing pleasantries with a grinning Roody when Neville sat down. 

Then Dumbledore addressed him.  "I think you have grown just since May."

"He certainly has," Gran bragged.  "I had to get him all new clothes for his Birthday."

"Professor," Neville asked, "I didn't get a Hogwarts letter this year."

"Yes, well, I came to deliver it in person," he smiled and handed him the letter.  "And I have an important favor to ask both of you."  Neville and Gran looked to each other, and then back at Dumbledore.

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